Rustembekov K. T. To a question of interaction of a selenium with alkaline solutions Interaction of crystal selenium with water solutions of oxyhydroxides of lithium, sodium and potassium is studied. It is positioned, that speed of process increases among LiOH < NaOH < KOÍ. The process mechanism is offered.
Dzhumanazarova Z. K., Azizov O. T., Azizov T. A. Synthesis and a thermal research it is mixed the ligandn of coordination compounds of nitrocalcite Techniques of synt hesi s and resul t s of t hermal research mi xed l i gands coordi nat i on subst ance of ni t rat e of cal ci um wi t h at sedami de are resul t ed, t he carbami de, t i ocarbami de, by a ni t rocarbami de and ni cot i neami des, establishes t her mal behavi our of t he synt hesi sed substance.
Hamrokulov Z. A., Tukhtayev C., Tadzhiyev C.M., Askarova M. K. Research of process of a lathering at dolomite decomposition by the hydrochloric acid The studied process foamy formation at decomposition of dolomite by salt acid depending on concentrations and temperature. Is it herewith installed that with increasing of the concentrations of the acid and the temperature spume degree increases, but stability spume falls and time its “life’s” grows shorter.
Serzhanov G. M., Shevko V. M., Lavrov B. A. Perspective possibility of application of less energy-intensive method of processing of electrothermal ferrophosphorus This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of existing methods of processing and electrothermal ferrophosphorus considered a promising opportunities of cost processing methods electrothermal ferrophosphorus. The results of investigation of the thermodynamic analysis of some of the promising methods for processing electrothermal ferrophosphorus
Movlanova M. E., Badelbayeva I. T., Atakuziyev T. A., Ismailova L. A. Synthesis and a research sulfate of the containing clinkers on the basis of a wastage of extraction of the Angren coals Usage of coal with increased content of ash and phosphogypsum allows to obtain modificated sulphoaluminate-silicate clinker, which phase content represented with sulphoaluminate-calcium, blanch, alumoferrite-calsium and anhydrite. This microstructure stipulated its high hydrated activity, accordingly cement, which obtained on its bases and it has 5-10 MP higher stability than stability of cement-stone from simple sulfoaluminated silicate cement which obtained on the basis of Angren coal clay.
Gulamova D. D., Shevchenko V. P., Tokunov S. G., Kim R. B. Heat-insulating products on the basis of superfine basalt fiber Heat-insulating products on the basis of a superthin basalt fibre with a heat conductivity 0,032 - 0,036 W/m.Ê are developed
Hatamov H. U., Saitkulov F. E., Bobakulov H. M., Shakhidoyatov H. M. Methylation of 2-phenyl-5,6-dimethylthieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-one For the first time methylation of 2-phenyl-5,6-dimethylthieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-one by “soft” and “hard” alkylation agents (methyl iodide, dimethylsulfate, methyltosylate) in proton polar, aproton polar, aproton dipolar solvents (ethanol, dioxane-1,4, acetonitrile, dimethyl formamide, dimethyl sulfoxide) was studied. It was shown, that the reaction goes in two directions on atom nitrogen N-3 and oxygen O-4. It is find, that N-3/O-4 relation depends on nature of methylation agents, solvent and temperature.
Hazratkulova S. M., Mukhamediyev M. G., Makhkamov M. A. Synthesis and polymerization akrilamido-n-methylene of a citric acid Synthesis and polymeri zat i on of acrylamide- N- methylenl emonicacid of new monomer – acrylamide-N-met hyl en l emoni c aci d was i nvest i gat ed. The st ruct ure of t hi s monomer was i dent i f i ed by met hods of I R – and NMR- spectroscopy.
Mansurkhodzhayev U. M. Synthesis, properties and application in the inorganic analysis of picolinic azoreagents New azoreagents on the hase of picoline were synthesized. Optimal conditions of complexformation of azoreagents with Co(II) and Zn(II) were determined. Method of photometrical determination of ions Co(II) in inhistrial materials wes eleboratel.
Saydakhmedov S. I. Development of engine fuels with the improved ecological characteristics on the basis of resource base of Uzbekistan In the article review of research results on optimization of acting technological processes, which provide the receiving of pure gasoline compounds were shown. The results of research on possibility of use the existing oxygenates as a high-octane additives to gasoline were presented.
Abdutalipova N. M., Tursunov T. T. Studying of reaction of phosphorylation of an anionite on the basis of styrene, furfurol and a polietilenpoliamin A successful i nt roduct i on of i onogeni c groups (i n t hi s case phosphat e) i n st r uct ure of i onexchanger esi n al l ows t o obt ai n i on- exchange pol ymer s wi t h t he i mpr oved par amet er s of physi cochemical , sorpt i on et c. propert i es. I n art i cl e are resul t ed t he dat a on research of opt i mum condi t i ons of react i on of phosphor yl at i on of ear l i er obtained anion-exchange resin, on the basis of styrene,furfural and polyethylenepolyamine . Phosphorylation were spent at various temperatures and duration of reaction. Optimum conditions were revealed: time of phosphorylation is 6 hours, temperature of reaction is 75îÑ, transformation degree is 0,8-0,82.
Mutalov Sh. A., Berdiyeva M. I., Pulatov H. L., Nazirova R. A. Multifunctional cation exchangers of polycondensation type By polycondensation of furfural with still liquor of the Shurtan gas-chemical complex obtained polyfunctional cation-exchange resin in the presence of acid catalysts. The carried out researches have shown, that obtained cation-exchange resin surpasses in quantity of exchange capacity on solutions of caustic sodium and chloride sodium industrial êàòèîíèò ÊU-1 and sulfonic acid cation-exchange resin on a basis of cyclohexanone and furfural.
Karpushkin S. I., Barkhanadzhyan A. L., Dzhalilov A. T., Vafayev O. Sh. Influence of group hydrocarbonic composition of solar oils on effectiveness of depressor additive The effect of group hidrocarbontype composition of diesel fuels for action effectiveness of researched depress additive is presented in work.
Gulyamova G. M., Rakhmatov D. M., Turabekov U. M., Allamuratov M. U., Mukhamedgaliyev B. A. Electric properties of polymeric compositions of the modified weed-β-chlorine aethylium methacrylate In article some questions of stabilization and creation elektroconductoring polymeric compositions on the basis of polyolephins and poly-β-CEMA are considered. Are shown efficiency of the developed polymeric stabilizers.
Gevorgyan A. M., Yakhshiyeva Z. Z. Use of acetothioamide in its various tautomeric forms at a complexing with Pt(IV), Pd(II) and Au(III) It was determined that thioacetamid in it’s deferent tautomeric forms is one of the selective and high sensible analytical reagents in electroanalitical chemistry on the ions of noble metals at their amperometric determination with using of defferent by nature and concentration phone electrolytes and buffer mixtures.
Dadomatov A. L. Inversion voltamperometriya when determining tin in actual materials The possibility of inversion-voltamperometric determination of tin in model mixtures was shown and also the condition of it’s determination were optimization. On the base of obtained data some electrochemical methods of Sn determination in real natural objects and industrial materials were elaborated and evaluated from the point of metrology.
Zhalilov M. Zh., Kutlimuratova N. H., Mikhlibayeva D. D., Abdullaev G. A. Definition of indium in the production materials and natural objects by a conductometric method Methods of conductometric determination of indium ions by EDTA on different by acidbase properties phone electrolytes and buffer mixtures are considered. Conditions of conductometric titration of In(III) were optimized and also influence of outside accompanying metal ions on the form of curve and results of it’s determination was investigated. Analysis of model binary, triple and more complex mixture consisted from indium(III) and investigated interfering cations was carried out. The obtained experimental data by indium(III) EDTA solution determination were treated by methods of mathematical statistics.
Smanova Z. A., Iskandarova S. G., Savichev S. V. Definition of ions of cadmium by a getter and photometric method by means of the new immobilized reagent Sorbent for determination of Cd(II) was obtained by immobilization of 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-oxy naphthalene -3,6-disulfoacid potassium on the polymeric supporter of polyacrylonitrilic type. The optimed conditions of immobilization and complex formation were determination of Cd(II) in different by nature waters was elaborated.
Sapayeva Z. Sh., Tuychiyeva S. T., Irgasheva G. R., Abdullaev B. A. Biochemical elements of thermooxygen processing of wines Means of carryi ng out of t hermooxygen pr ocessi ng duri ng t he t ypi f i cat i on of f ort i f i ed wi nes are st udi ed and chemi cal pr ocess of accel erat i on of wi nes’ mat uri ng such as port vei n i s def i ned. The mechani sm of oxi dat i on wi t h f ormat i on of si ngl et oxygen usi ng const ant aerat i on of t he envi ronmenti n t he presence of yeast cel l s i s est abl i shed.
Oltiyev A. T., Isabayev I. B., Mazhidov K. H. Fractionating of composition of vegetable oils The comparative analysis of indexes of quality of the investigated oils and offered products of fractionation of their blends, have shown, that salad cotton-soya oil differs from salad cotton the maintenance as a part of a linolenic acid, providing parity polysaturated fatty asids of groups necessary for a healthy food ω-6 and ω-3. Besides, presence of phospholipids in number of 0,07 % in recalculation on stearooleolecithin also promotes increase of edible value and braking of oxidizing processes.
Normatov A. M., Tursunkhodzhayev P. M. Effectiveness of use of the OZ-I installation for wheat grain peeling Efficiency of use for a peeling of grain of wheat developed by authors together with laboratory of Applied physics of scientific research institute of Electronics AN of Republic Uzbekistan of installation ÎÇ-I is considered. Efficiency of an offered way of preparation of grain of wheat to a high-quality grinding that will allow to increase an exit of a flour of high grades is proved, to lower the expense of the consumed electric power on a grinding of grain and to reduce duration of the given stage of technological process.
Primqulov M.T., Xalilov X.S., Sayfutdinov R.S. Ðaxta momig‘idan suyuq gulqog‘oz olish The process of getting liquid wall payer from cotton cellulose is designed and the methods of regulation of structure after application it on the walls is studied.
Õasanova D.Ò., Asqarov I.R. Pivo ishlab chiqarishda suvdan rotsional foydalanish In article processing and rational use of water, and also use favourable sides magnetized waters are resulted a water chemical compound in manufacture of pothouses of production. |