Ovsepyan A. O., Melkonyan M. G. Sulfidization of the oxidized copper minerals on a reduction stage The sulfidization of oxidized minerals of copper was investigated in the process of grinding. It was turned out that grinding, effective mixing and plastic deformation was occurred during the joint mechanical activation of oxidized minerals of copper and sulfidizators (silicium sulfide and natrium triocomplex SiS2,Na2[SiS3]), which provided the chemical interaction between reagents. A sulfide flat was appeared on the surface of oxidized minerals.
Babakhanova Z. A., Aripova M. H., Mkrtchyan R.V., Hamidov R. A., Hodzhayev N. T. Studying of mineralogical structure quartz - graphitized slates of manifestation Rupat of the Surkhandarya region The graphite ores based in Uzbekistan were investigated. The chemical-mineralogical compositions of kvarts-graphite slates of Rupat (Surkhan-Darya region) were studied. It is defined that graphite in ore is presented by a fine-crystalline flake type.
Khayrullin T. F., Akhmadzhonov A. A., Tairov S. S., Usmanov F. F., Gulyamov U. Sh. Glaze coverings on the basis of metallurgical slag of steel-smelting production of APO "Uzmetkombinat" Glazes developed for use as coatings in the manufacture of facing tiles and decorative ceramics using metallurgical slag.
Samady M. A., Boynazarov B. T., Yorboboyev R. Ch., Mirzakulov H. Ch. Influence of technological parameters on processing process galitovykh of a wastage Investigated content and properties of galyt waste of “Dehkanabad factory of potassium fertilizers”, case in point processing to technique sodium chloride by method of leaching galyt waste with saturated solution of sodium chloride.
Samady M. A., Soddikov F. B., Mirzakulov H. Ch., Boynazarov B. T., Rakhmatov H. B. Potassium chloride lixiviation process research from the galitovykh of a wastage by Sodium chloridum solutions The results of investigation on processing galyt waste of potassium manufacture to technique sodium chloride and mother liquid, containing potassium chloride, returning to stage of flotation basic production are given.
Ziyadullaev O.Å., Yusupova L.A. Àromatik asetilen spirtlarining to‘yinmagan karbon kislotalar bilan eterifikatsiya reaksiyasi In work investigated synthesis aromatic acetylenic alcohols by diazotization. Vinyl esters obtained by esterification of aromatic acetylene alcohols unsaturated carboxylic acids. Systematically studied the kinetic parameters of the esterification reaction.
Nurkenov O. A., Ermukhanbetova R. A., Satpayeva Zh. B. Synthesis and structure of the thiosemicarbazides acetylated the glikozilsoderzhashchikh on the basis of Hydrazidums of aromatic hydroxyacids and a N-morfolinil-acetic acid Interaction of hydrazides o-and p-hydrocsobenzoic acids with 1-isothiocyano-1-dezoxi-2,3,4,6-tetra-Î-acetil-β-D-glykopiranoz, received from tetra-Î-acetil-β-D-glykopiranozbromide in xylene a solution with lead rhodanide, are synthesized corresponding acetylated thiosemicarbazide derivatives. With application of modern methods as IR-, NMR 1Í-spectroscopy the structure of the synthesized connections is positioned. The received carbohydrates containing thiosemicarbazide derivatives are potentially biological active materials among which the substance with moderately expressed antimicrobial activity is found.
Beknozarova Z.F. Kvant-kimyîviy hisoblashlar yîrdamida reagentlarning umumiy va π-elektron zichliklarini o‘rganish Happen to results of the analysis of the studies of density general and π - electronic in molecular orbit, anilids karbaminiltioglikolical and karbaminiltio - α - propionic of the acids, estimations on their base, redistributions, yelectronic and genergle charge.
Fakhritdinov T. F., Sharipova H. T. Studying of structure of humic acids from the brown coals of the Angren field oxidized by sulfuric acid It is established that humic acids of initial coal and products of oxidation by its sulfuric acid differ element structure and functional groups.
Murodov M. M. Development of technological parameters of process of receiving cellulose of rice straw Developed the technology of semi-finished cellulose from local annual plant – rice straw. Determined its physicochemical properties and dependence of properties of semi-finished product on the process parameters.
Mardonov S.E., Sharipov M. S., Nazarov S. I., Amonova H. I. Receiving the modified Amylum by electrochemical oxidation and studying of its rheological behavior On article results of studying of changing properties of starch at its electrochemical modification and influence of various factors on the maintenance of the oxidized groups are resulted. It is established, that electrochemical processing of starched suspension allows to receive the starch forming transparent, not inclined to gel formation of paste.
Mirzayev U. M. Synthesis and properties of copolymers of acrylamide about a N-vinyl lactams – potential carriers biologically the active materials In article with the help of dylatometryc method there is studied kinetics copolymerization of acrylamide with N - vinilpyrrolidon and N-vinilcaprolactam. As well as the dependency of the output copolymers from concentration of the initiator, temperature and from source correlations of monomers is studied.
Karpushkin S. I., Barkhanadzhyan A. L., Dzhalilov A. T., Vafayev O. Sh. Effectiveness of use of depressor additive for summer solar oils An opportunity of temperature reduction of diesel freezing by means of depressing additives and also results of its end-use testing.
Arslanov Sh. S., Turakhuzhayev S.A., Rybalchenko V. S. Use of ecologically acceptable fuel additives in the conditions of Uzbekistan The comparative research data on the use of different types of octane additives, which found that the most useful and promising high-octane components of gasoline is ethanol in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Vahabov X.X., Primqulov M.T. Siklon momig‘idan qog‘oz olish From cyclonic down cotton cellulose with indicators is received: α – cellulose of 99,5-99,6 %, fat and wax substances of 0,055-0,130 %, extent of pjlymerization 1470-1475. Cpton cellulose is used for receiving color technical paper weighing 181 g/m2, with an explosive length of 3360 m.
Aripdzhanov O. Yu., Turobzhonov S. M., Nurullayev Sh. P. The major factors influencing effectiveness of composition absorbent Pari t y i nf l uence wat er : di et hanol ami ne on synt hesi s of composi t e absorbent on a basi s t he paraf orm and f ormal i n i s i nvest i gat ed. Are def i ned t hermal ef f ect of process of absorpt i on ñåðî ñî äåðæàùèõ i mpur i t y of nat ur al gas. I t i s of f er ed pr obabl e st r uct ure of subst ance. I t i s est abl i shed t hat t he t emper at ur e mode of r eact i on “ DEA- For mal i n” makes sol vi ng i mpact on st r uct ur e and t he nat ur e of recei ved product s.
Abdurakhimov A. A., Kadirov Yu. K., Serkayev K. P. Systems analysis of the technological line of refining a cotton mistsella In this article are stated results of the system analysis of refining technology of cotton miscella. Besides that are shown uncompleted processes and ways increasing of efficiency.
Dadomatov A. L. Analytical opportunities of the modified coal ïàñòîâûõ sensors when determining tellurium In the result of caring out theoretical and experimental investigations the sensor for determination of micro-concentrations of tellurium was elaborated these sensors has some advantages in comperution with some known analogies.
Xo‘jamshukurov N.À., Agzamova Õ.K., O‘tanazarov À.P. Bacillus thuringiensis d-endotoksinlarining kuzgi tunlamga (Agrotis segetum schiff.) qarshi ta’siri In this article influence of Antibac 0.5 th + TAM and Antibac 0.5th, two examples of solutions of biological product of Antibac_Uz made of bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis with concentration of 0.4 percent cut on autumn worms (Agrotis segetum Schiff.) of small age - up to 91.8-93.0 percent, middle age – up to 63.0-47.0 percent and old age – up to 42.6-40.0 percent.
Akramova R.R., Abdurakhimov S.A., Serkayev K.P. Features of a kinetics of process of infusion of safflower oil cake This article presents the results of researches of the kinetics of the extraction of safflower oil cake and the influence of some technological factors. |