Ïîäïèñü: 3/2013



Soddikov F. B., Samady M. A., Mirzakulov H. Ch., Yorbobayev R. Ch., Usmanov I. I.  Research of processes of receiving the purified solutions of low-grade inflammations of the sylviduct for their complex processing

The results of investigation on processing of low-quality sylvinite ores of Tyubegitane deposit with obtaining saturated and cleaning from calcium and magnesium solutions of potassium and sodium chlorides suitable to production of the soda ash and unchloride potassium salts.


Koshchanova B. T., Erkayev A. U., Tairov Z. K., Yulchiyev M. Thermodynamic assessment of interaction of salt cake with a carbonate, bicarbonate and carbamates of an ammonium

For a thermodynamic assessment of sequence of course of reactions dependences Δ GîÒ reactions from a ratio of components in initial mixes of sulfate of sodium were considered 0,5:1, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1. Defined the stablest connections for studied systems, and also to draw some conclusions of rather thermodynamic probability of course of reaction.


Shevko V. M., Serzhanov G. M., Karatayev G. E., Lykova A.

Thermopreparation of siliceous ore in the presence of a wastage of extraction of coals of the lengersky field

Research results of the Zhajremsk deposit ore’s thermal treatment in the presence of wastes of the Lenger deposit coal’s mining are resulted. The researches were spent on the basis of a program complex of Finnish metallurgical company Outokumpu (HSC-5.1, the version 2002 y.), based on a minimum of the Gibbs free energy change. Optimum parametres (temperature, ratio of initial components and quantity of oxygen for the heat treatment of the Zhajremsk ore) were found.


Makhamatkhozhayev D. R., Bulakov B. M., Huzhamov H. R.

The analysis of trade materials on cementation of wells on naphtha and gas in Uzbekistan

The principal causes influencing process of qualitative cementation of oil and gas chinks in Uzbekistan are revealed.




Ziyadullaev O.E., Turabjanov S.M.

Aromatik atsetilen spirtlarini gomogen-katalitik vinillash reaksiyasining nazariy asoslari

Vinylation reaction was investigated by super base catalytic system in the presence of aromatic acetylene alcohols with acetylene. Theoretically proposed factors affecting the process of the reaction.


Nurkenov O. A., Ermukhanbetova R. A., Kulakov I. V. N-glycosylation of 2-aminopyridinic derivants

Interaction ìîíîñàõàðèäîâ d-glucose and d-galaktozy with 2-aminometilpiridinom, 2-amino-3-gidroksipiridinom and 2-amino-5-brompiridinom is synthesised new N-aminoglikozidy. With application of modern methods Ik - ßÌÐ1Í-ñïåêòðîñêîïèè and mass spectrometry the structure of the synthesised connections is established.


Ikramov A., Karzhavov A. R., Musulmonov N. H., Kodirov O. Sh.

Receiving oksigenat from a wastage of chemical plants of Uzbekistan

Investigated waste and chemical intermediates plant OAO “Andijan biochemical factory” OAO “Experimental plant Bektemir Alcohol” with the purpose to their possible usable floor space as oxygenate additive to gasoline-fuel gasoline internal combustion engines.




Arifzhonova M. A., Dekhkonov R., Abdullaev F. T., Mirzayev U. M.

Hydrodynamic and conformation properties of N-alkilolakrilamidov copolymers with N - vinyl-lactams

In the article there is studied hydrodynamic and conformational properties of copolymers N-alcylocrilamid with N-vinilacrilamid. On the base of sedimentation and viscos metric researches there are defined parameters of Marca-Kuna-Hauvinca.


Ismailov R. I., Mirkamilov Sh. M., Ismailov I. I.

Photopolymerization of the ethylene carboxylic acid under action Redox systems

In given article results of photopolymerization akryl acids under action redocs systems “trierhylamin-chlor” are resulted at moderate temperatures. Are calculated values reaction usages on a monomeasure, and also energy of activation. The scheme of formation and disintegration of complex connection is presented.


Karpushkin S. I., Barkhanadzhyan A. L., Dzhalilov A. T., Vafayev O. Sh.

Test of depressor additive by trucks "GM Uzbekistan"

An opportunity of temperature reduction of diesel freezing by means of depressing additives and also results of its end-use testing.


Karimov M.U.

Research of plasticizing additives on the basis of pentaerythritol and ethylen glycol

The article investigated the importance of plasticizing additives for concrete mixtures, IR—spectra of the starting materials and product obtained. Reacting determined after the reaction and the resulting chemical bond. The dependence of the spreadability of water - cement on the concentration of plasticizer.


Yunusov M. P., Dzhalalova Sh. B., Molodozhenyuk T. B., Nasullayev H. A., Gulyamov Sh. T.

Genesis of the surface characteristics in the course of preparation of titaniferous catalysts of hydroprocessing of hydrocarbonic raw materials

The combination of electronic spectroscopy äèôôóçíîãî reflexions of the adsorbed moleculesindicators and ÈÊ spectra adsorbed ïèðèäèíà studies influence of quantity of entered components: êàîëèíà, ãèäðàòèðîâàííîãî äèîêñèäà the titan and fulfilled àëþìîîêñèäíîãî àäñîðáåíòà on a parity ëüþèñîâñêèõ and áðåíñòåäîâñêèõ the acid centres on a surface of carriers, and also MoO3 and NiO-ÌîÎ3 catalysts on their basis.




Mansurov Yu. N., Kadirova D. S., Aripov B. H., Boyko A. A. Crystallization of metals from liquid

In article theoretical calculations by calculation of thermodynamic parametres of process of crystallisation are presented: origin of crystals in process concreting of liquid of a melt, the further growth of crystals, and also a parity(ratio) of parametres of crystallisation. The settlement data is received by application of the program “Termokalk”




Azizov D. H. The choice of a coolant for heat pumps

Researches have shown that application for the heat pumps of refrigerants R22 and R407 is not possible. The optimal refrigerant for the given case is R134à.




Gevorgyan A. M., Zhurayeva L. K., Ruzmetov U. U.  Amperometrichesky definition of silver thiourea solution

The possibility of amperometric titration of Ag by thiourea solution on different by acidbase properties phone electrolytes at buffer mixtures at different of potential (DE) equaled 0,75 V was shown and also the conditions of titration were optimized. Obtained experimental data of Ag determination by thiourea were treated by rules of mathematical statistics known in literature. In all cases the relative standart deviation didn’t exceed 0,33.




Safarov A. F., Gafurov K. H., Shomurodov T. R.

The prospects of application of supercritical fluid extraction in the food industry of Uzbekistan

 The survey information on advantages of process of extraction with supercritical dioxide of carboneum from the point of view of fuller allocation biologically active materials and significant dilating of their spectrum which are unattainable in case of application of technology of extraction with classical solvents is yielded. The device and a principle of work of the developed pre-production model for research of reception of extracts from aboriginal vegetative raw materials with application of supercritical dioxide of carboneum are described. Heat pump use influences economy of power expenses.


Akramova R.R., Abdurakhimov S.A., Serkayev K.P. Research of diffusion properties of granular safflorite cake

This article presents the results of a research of the diffusion properties of granular safflorite cake and mass transfer rates on its diameter and length.


Rakhmonov K. S., Isabayev I. B., Atamuratova T. I., Nejmatov N. Yu., Haydarov D. S.

Ways of improvement of composition of nutrient medium of ferments for bakery products from wheat flour

Embark justified the appropriateness of use as alternatives to wheat flour substitutes profiled in nutrient substrate polishtammovyh starters spontaneous fermentation of composite mixtures of barley and oat flour, wheat germ and finely dispersed dairy.


Mamatov Sh.M. Termoradiatsion usulda sabzavotlarni quritish jarayoniga ta'sir qiluvchi omillar

The effect on the process of drying vegetables radiation method in vitro, in the IR vacuum dryer.