A. A. Ismatov, D. S. Kadirova, F. K. Ismatov. AKF-78 Kaolinum — valuable raw materials for production of porcelain Article is devoted to development of structure and the production technology of porcelain products on the basis of the Angren Kaolinum, Lyangarsky pegmatites and a wastage of the industry
A. T. Sharapov. A research of physicomechanical properties of cement with hydraulic additives from a phosphite In work by results of analyses by definition of the combined water and the X-ray phase analysis the physicomechanical indexes and processes proceeding when concreting cements with the hydraulic additives received by decomposition of a phosphite from Kapamay phosphorites in the presence of a reducer and ashes of the Angren thermal power plant are studied
H. Ch. Mirzakulov, S. A. Umarov, A. U. Erkayev, Z. K. Toirov. Technological monitoring of key parameters of production of slow-acting fertilizer from phosphorites Central Kyzylkumov On the basis of the experimental datas the charts allowing to exercise easily control of technological parameters of process in production of slow-acting phosphorus-containing fertilizer are made. Detailed descriptions of use of the chart for this process are given.
A. K. Abdurakhmanov, R. V. Mkrtchyan, D. I. Alimdzhanova, R.H. Madiyev, A. A. Ismatov. About a possibility of use of dead-catalyst of production of ShGHK polyethylene as aluminous additive as a part of a refractory Properties of an initial dead catalyst of production of ShGHK polyethylene before processing are investigated.
A. T. Duysebekova, Sh. K. Shodmonssh, T. A. Azizov, D. N. Ismatov. Kvantokhimichesky research of electronic structure of the free and coordinate molecules acetaldehyde thiosemicarbazone The Kvantokhimichesky method investigated electronic structures and reactivities of the free and coordinate molecules of thiosemicarbazone of acetaldehyde, geometrical, power parameters and charges on atoms of molecules are determined. It is shown that kvantokhimichesky the characteristic depend on a rate of oxidation of atoms and a way of coordination of thiosemicarbazone of acetaldehyde.
M. Safarov. Catalytic synthesis of imidol and its derivants Reaction of interaction of acetylene with oximes of the simple ketones is studied. The way of receiving imidols and their N-viniljnykh of derivants from acetoxime and acetylene is developed. It is shown, opportunities to receive the most various 2-; 2,3-; 2,5-replaced imidols.
S. M. Turobzhonov, B. A. Abidov. A research of influence of conditions of synthesis alyumo-nikel-the molybdenic catalyst on its activity Influence, received in various ways, the carrier on the mechanical characteristic of the catalyst is investigated.
T. Zhurayev, A. S. Maksumova, A. T. Dzhalilov. Synthesis and research of oligomerny rust inhibitor Oligomerny rust inhibitor by interaction of nitrogen-containing polymer with an orthophosphoric acid is synthesized. By results of corrosion tests it is established that indexes of inhibitory protection of the synthesized oligomer are higher, it is mute at import inhibitors. Dependence of inhibitory effect of temperature is also studied and it is shown that with increase in temperature of a severe atmosphere increase of inhibitory effect, and then on reaching temperature of 85 °C, its decrease is observed in the beginning.
F. A. Magrupov, M. G. Alimukhamedov, A. F. Magrupov. Some features of furfursilt oligomers In article the new mechanism of homopolycondensation of furfurfuryl alcohol and a structure of furfursilt oligomer is offered. On the new mechanism in furfursilt oligomer furan cycles are connected by generally metigenovy and partially dimetilenefirny communications.
B. B. Eshmuratov, O. Sh. Temirov, T. R. Abdurashidov. Technology of receiving abhesive and use in production of a film from polyethylene The flow diagram of receiving abhesive on the basis of local raw materials and results of its test is given.
P.M. Hakimov. The greasing properties of brake fluids In work researches on definition of the greasing properties of brake fluids (GSTZh), developed on the basis of a wastage of food productions at Himmotologiya department of the Tashkent avtomobiljno-road institute are conducted. Dependence of the greasing GSTZh properties on temperature, loading and operating time is installed in the sliding friction machine. It is shown what on the greasing GSTZh properties does not concede to the known spirto-castoric liquids.
I. Zh. Hamrayev, A. H. Yusupbekov, G. R. Rakhmanberdiyev Use of basalt fiber as an excipient for composition polymeric materials of frictional appointment Physicomechanical properties of the compositions of frictional appointment filled with basalt fiber are studied. Influence of an excipient on properties of frictional compositions is investigated.
Z. A. Tadzhikhodzhayev, A. T. Dzhalilov. Possibilities of use of ion-exchange materials for a sewage disposal from ions of a molybdenum, fluorine and extraction of ions of non-ferrous metals Application of the new amphoteric ionites synthesized on the basis of a withdrawal of production of caprolactam for a sewage disposal of Sorsky molybdenic plant from ions of fluorine and a molybdenum is investigated.
H. L. Pulatov, T. T. Tursunov, R. A. Nazirova, B. G. Zokirov. The monofunctional new sulfocation exchangers of polycondensation type Styrene polycondensate sulphonation with furfurol synthesized new sulfakationit high-performance physical and chemical and mechanical characteristics. Fiziko-himicheky and chemical methods (potentiometric titration, an IK-spectroscopy, etc.) investigated structure, presence of the functional groups and the main properties of the received sulfocation exchanger. Getter abilities of sulfocation exchanger to ions of sodium, calcium, a magnesium, copper and nickel, etc. are investigated.
G. Zh. Orazymbetova, T. A. Atakuziyev, D. K. Adylov. High-silicic portlandtsemen-you on the basis of rice pod on energy saving technology The complex of the modern methods established physical and chemical properties of marls of Akburlinsky, Porlytausky and rice pod. It is defined: their mineralogical structures depending on roasting temperature in the presence of Na2SiF6 mineralizer that allowed to use them in production of high-silicic portlandtsementny clinker. Optimum structures highly silicic a Portland cement clinker on the basis of Akburlinsky, Porlytausky marls and rice pod are as a result developed.
I. K. Kasimov, V. K. Bishimbayev, N. A. Suzev, K. I. Ramatullayev. Structural features bitumnorezinosernykh of compositions Structures and terms of preparation of bituminous and rubber compositions for elements of a paving of roads, sidewalks, the areas, etc. are offered.
F. K. Kurbanov, K. R. Rasulov, D.Kh. Kakhkharova. Inhibition of corrosion of steel in freezing solutions Studying of corrosion of carbon steel in solutions of chloride of calcium received the high performance freezing solution on the basis of a withdrawal of production of soda consisting of Calcium chloratum and sodium chloride with additive as calcium saccharate rust inhibitor.
N. H. Babayev. New approach to a question of model operation of processes of combustion of fuel in the rotating tsementoobzhigatelny furnace Usefulness of systems approach to drawing up mathematical model of furnace processes and the choice of mass rate as required function is shown.
P. R. Ismatullayev, A. Turgunbayev. Development of the universal hydrometer with a microprocessor control In article ways of optimization the unified complex of control devices of humidity of fibrous and solid bulks allowing to create uniform is considered. The developed complex is based on a basic metering device with the microcontroller which is interfaced to primary converter of the given type depending on a type of controlled material and conditions of measurements.
I. T. Abdukadirov, M. T. Turakhozhayev, M. R. Yakubova, A. U. Mamatkhanov, Research of process of extraction and cleaning biological the active materials from Ajuga Turkestanica plant The plant of Ajuga Turkestanica contains the ekdisteroida and iridoida having biological activity. The purpose of this work is stay optimum a condition selection and purifications of these substances. The experimental datas on identification of optimum conditions of extraction of ekdisteroid and irtdoid from raw materials, and also a way of their cleaning are given in article.
D. A. Gafurova, P. M. Tursunkhodzhayev. Assessment of baking properties of flour on a farinograf and on laboratory pastries Assessment of baking properties of the flour received from grain of the separate grades of wheat which are grown up in Uzbekistan on physical properties of the test and by carrying out trial baking of bread is carried out. Data фаринограмм, demonstrated that process of a colliquation of the test proceeded intensively, that is, the liquid phase of the test due to strengthening of enzymatic processes and disaggregation of proteins is increased. The flour received from grain of wheat of the studied grades had indicators of 130-170 units of the device. Baking properties of flour determined by trial laboratory pastries. Organoleptic evaluation test of the baked bread exemplars, a volume exit and a vagueness of hearth products testified to the under baking properties of the studied grades of wheat flour. |