Ruzibayev B. R., Aripova M. H. Receiving wear-resistant the sitallovykh of materials on the basis of natural raw materials On base local raw materials received wear-out stability glass ceramics material. Studied physico-chemical characteristic got material. The Results have shown that got glass ceramics material has a high characteristic and their possible aplying in aggressive ambience.
Tursunova I. N., Mardonov U. M., Erkayev A. U. Studying of solubility of phosphate of lime in an aqueous medium under the influence of nitrous gases On the basis of thermodynamic, graphical and analytical methods of research was studied possibility and mechanism of structural changes of initial and end-products of calcium phosphate interaction in the system Ca3(PO4)2-NO2-H2O depending on rate of nitrous gases and pH. Influence of various factors to the low-grade phosphorites process by nitrous gases in the water studied.
Bobokulova O. S., Usmanov I. I., Mirzakulov H. Ch. Salts of the lakes Karaumbet and Barsakelmes - raw materials for receiving salts of a magnesium Investigated contain and properties leach intercryctalline and dry mixed salts of lakes Barsakelmes and Karaumbet. Showed, that is at the considerable deference of salt contain intercryctalline leach deposit of Barsakelmes from Karaumbet rheology physical properties close to each other and suitable for industrial obtaining of salts of magnesium and sodium.
Hamrayev K. Sh., Makhsumov A. G., Mukhiddinov B. F., Vapoyev H. M., Hatamova M. S. Synthesis of derivativ methacrylates on the basis of butynsilt amino alcohols The results of the acetylation reaction of methacrylic acid chloride with 4 - (N-diizoalkilamino)-2-butyn-1-ol in the organic solvent (benzene and toluene). Physic and chemical constants and proved the chemical structures of the synthesized compounds by IR and PMR spectroscopy.
Ismailov I. I., Mirzayev U. M., Ayupova M. B., Usmanov G. A., Arifzhanova M. A. The complex and radical polymerization of chlorethylmethacrylate initiated donor-acceptor by interaction of reagents In this article there is shown the possibility of complex-radically polymerization of chloric etilometacrylat initiated donor acceptor method under the comparatively low temperature. Besides that there is defined that under modification of polyacrilat mixed with chloric etilometacrylat sections more thermo steadfast high molecular join can be received.
Turabdzhanov S. M., Saydakhmedov S. I., Bazarov B. I. Complex researches gasoline - methanol composite fuels A complex of researches has been carried out for receiving a gasoline-methanol mix, assessment of effect of methanol on operational and environmental characteristics of motor gasolines. The results of benchmark tests established maintaining of motor capacity on AI-91 gasoline with methanol content 3 % and 5 %, reduction of noxious emissions – carbon oxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (CH) by 40-45 %.
Nurmukhamedov M. Z., Karayev Sh. T., Nurkulov F. N., Dzhalilov of A. T. Issledovaniye of thermal-oxidative degradation nitrogen - and boron-containing the oligomernykh of fire retardants Investigated oxidation and degradation of the synthesized nitrogen-, boron-containing flame retardants by differential thermal analysis, which exhibit good resistance to high temperatures.
Ikhtiyarova G. A., Tadzhikhodzhayev Z. A., Nuriddinova F., Yoriyev O. M. Development of technology of receiving printing dyes on the basis of the mixed thickener The article describing technology of the reception mixed thickener for printing fabrics, as well as results thårmofixation printed fabrics. Here with fixation reactive dye staff on fabrics speeds up and increases toughness of the colourations and this reduces the expenseses on electric power.
Murodov M.M. Tapinambur yarimsellyulozasidan tom yopqich (ruberoid) qalin qog'ozini olish texnology The article shows the possibility of organizing production based on local raw materials, in particular using of various waste and primary fibrous materials for the production of roofing material.
Nuraliyev U. M. Prevention of process of a photodestruction of polyethylene films Obtained on the basis of oligomeric photostabilizers 1,2,3-benzotriazole and other amino compounds. The study process photostabilization polyethylene film for use in greenhouses it gave positive results.
Hayitov R. R., Hayitov A. R., Dzhumayev U. R. Definition of sorptive capacity of the adsorbents applied at a dearomatization and a denormalization of refined oils It was defined sorption capacity picked up adsorbents – silicagel ÊÑÊ and synthetic zeolite ÑàÀ under standards of aromatic and n-paraffin hydrocarbons by a cryoscopic method.
Huzhakulov A. F., Zenkov A. V. Methods of purification of hydrocarbon oils of undesirable components It is resulted adsorption a method of clearing of turbine oil Òp-30 from undesirable components by means of industrial sorbent ÊÑÊ.
Rakhimov R. H., Ermakov V. P., Rakhimov M. R. The drying which is carried out by the pulse radiation generated by the functional ceramics The article presents the results on the high-performance drying cotton. In the concurrent sterilization and stimulation of growth and development of plants from seed. As the active elements used functional ceramics. It is shown that in this case does not require the hydrocarbon fuel. The total cost of the process is reduced by 9.4 times. Electricity consumption is reduced by 2.3 times. Weight of the same capacity is 10 times less than conventional equipment.
Abdullaev A. Sh., Abdurakhimova A. U., Abdullaeva S. Sh., Nurmukhamedov H. S. To a question of nonconventional crushing of the deformed bodies The paper presents experimental data on grinding of root crops by instant pressure relief. It is established that initial moisture of raw materials and steam pressure significantly affect the efficiency of the process.
Ziyadullayev A. Sh., Hamidov A. G., Rakhmatova N. Sh., Murodov E. D., Rakhimov R. B. About features of electrochemical selection of non-ferrous and noble metals The rate of anodic dissolution and dependence of current of partial components of the current density Dà for alloys with different Au and Cu contents have been studied. At high Dà both components of alloy etched with equal rate, whereas at low Dà region of selective dissolution of electronegative components (Cu) has been observed, a top boundary of which rises with the increasing of Cu contents in the alloy. It has been found, that the partial current of anodic dissolution of copper from alloys appreciably exceeded the rate of dissolution of pure copper at identical conditions.
Safarov A. F., Gafurov K. H., Mirzayeva of Sh. U. Issledovaniye of quality of the extracted oils of fruit and vegetable stones on it is skilled – the production unit Test are considered In article on experienced-industrial åxtraktation-distillation unit, influence factor on process of the extractions oyl from fruit-vegetable pit with water-alcohol solvent, as well as analysis quality got products.
Nazarov N. I., Amonov M. R., Shirinov G. K., Nazarov S. I. Studying of the functional properties and fractional composition of the hydrolyzed proteins of gluten In article functional properties and fractional structures gluthen, received of different grades of wheat in the presence of fermental preparations are studied. Action of enzymes ýíäîïðîòåíèàçû and ýêñïðîòåíèàçû on hydrolysis process is defined.
Arslanov Sh. S., Turakhuzhayev S.A., Rybalchenko V. S. Analysis of contents and way of selection of gluten The paper presents the results of studies of the content of gluten in the flour and extraction it with cost reducing to receiving of ethanol, as an additive in gasoline. The way of the extraction of gluten is offered.
Salikhanova D. S., Agzamkhodzhayev A. A. Research of refining cotton oil calcium hydroxide For the first time for the field of development of cotton oils refinement technologies the expansion of assortment of the chemical reagents providing replacement of scarce hydrate of sodium with a cheap reagent - calcium hydroxide Ca (OH) 2 is recommended. It is established, that cotton oil is refined effectively by 10 % limy milk solution. The charge of calcium hydroxide (counting upon its dry substance) makes 0,4-0,8 g per 100 g of cotton oil (depending on its grade).