Ovsepyan A. O., Tadevosyan D. R., Loryan V. E. Receiving molybdenum trioxide from a molibdenitovy concentrate by method of the self-extending high-temperature synthesis

A technological schema of obtaining molybdenum trioxide from molybdenite concentrates by the method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) was treated. À reaction of interaction of molybdenum disulfide with calcium oxide was investigated, and thermodynamic corroboration of the reaction was given.


Shevchenko V. P.

Mineral raw material resources of Uzbekistan - a basis of creation of the production technology of basalt fiber

Ñîïîñòàâëåí Data on of Uzbekistan mineral raw materials, perspektiv for manufacture of mineral and basalt fibres are presented. Result of use of basalt fibre on the basis of Osmansay-basalt, Karahtay-limestone, plaster, made on the technology developed with application data on interaction in the system SiO2-Al2O3-CaO are resulted.


Umarov Sh. I., Melikulova G. E., Usmanov I. I., Mirzakulov H. Ch., Turayev K. A.  Research of process of enrichment of a thermoconcentrate of phosphorites Central Kyzylkumov hydrogen nitrate solutions

The thermodynamically calculations and results of investigation of process enrichment washed burnet phosconcentrate’s of Central Kizilkum with solution nitric acid are given. Determined influence norms of acid and ratio solid and liquid phase to quality of phosconcentrate.


Abdumanapov D. A., Togasharov A. S., Tukhtayev S.

Receiving green vitriol from the ferriferous industrial wastes

The Studied kinetics of the extraction iron from slag reflective stove by chamois by acid depending on the temperature, spread of time, concentration by chamois by acid and correlations Í:F.




Kadirov H. I., Akramov D. A., Turobzhonov S. M., Ikramov A. Catalytic synthesis of alkylpyridines

There has been learnt reaction of catalytic conversion of acetylene, ammonia and methanol in the presence of complicated mixed cross-linking catalysts. It is established that upon passing of mixture in high temperature there is formed complicated mixture of nitrogen containing combinations. Thus exit of 2- and 4- methylpyrites makes 52 and 30 % respectively.


Umrzokov A. T., Mukhiddinov B. F., Vapoyev H. M., Nurmonov of Page E., Vokhidov E. A.

Synthesis butyn-3-ola-2 and hexyne-3-diol-2,5 by a geterogennkatalytic method

Åhe articlepresents studies of the processesof interactionof heterogeneous catalyticacetylene andacetaldehydeto formbutyn-3-ol-2, and3-hexynediol-2,5 usinga copper-nickelcopper, kaolinandnickel-silicagelcatalyst, depending on theircontent, temperature, andthe durationofthe reactions.Showing thereaction centersof moleculesusingquantum-chemical calculations.


Azimov S. H., Zakirov B. S., Narkhodzhayev A. H.

Structure and stability of complexes of a carbamide with acetic monoetanolammoniy cupric acetate monohydrate

Interaction of carbamide with an acetic acid monoethyamin copper acetate mono hydrate. It was studied fourfold system of carbamide with an acetic acid monoethyamin copper acetate mono hydrate with the he of isomolar series. It was proved that, in the isomolar solution is formed compound with molar ratio of components carbamide:acetic acid monoethyamin copper acetate mono hydrate 1:1.


Turabdzhanov S. M., Fayzullayev N. I., Achilov H. T.

Catalytic synthesis of an acetone direct hydration of acetylene

The reactions of the synthesis of acetone by direct hydratation acetylene on the catalysts prepared from oxides and fluorides of zinc, cadmium , iron, chromium and aluminum have been studied. The basic physical – mechanical and operational characteristics of the synthesized catalysts were determined. The technological scheme for synthesis of acetaldehyde, acetone by catalytic acetylene hydratation has been offered .


Barkhanadzhyan A. L., Valitov T. R., Abdullin S. R., Zaynutdinova Z., Muminov S. About a possibility of replacement of B-70 gasoline by AI-80 gasoline in production of refractory and refractory metals

In this work are studied the characteristics of gasolines Ai-80 and B-70 with a purpose of the possibility to replace the gasoline B-70 to Ai-80 in production of refractory metals and super alloys of UzKTJM. It is found that the main parameters of fractional consistence of these fuels are adequate and they can be interchangeable. The residue from the distillation of gasoline Ai-80 is recommended as a diluent of fuel oil.




Mardonov S. E., Amonov M. R., Sharipov M. S., Amonova H. I.

Stabilization of physical and chemical stability of aqueous solutions electrochemical the modified Amylum with water-soluble synthetic polymeric medicine Uniflok

In article results of studying of dependence ðåîëîãè÷åñêèõ properties of solutions of the electrochemical modified starch (EMS) from the maintenance of entered soluble synthetic polymer of unifloc (UFC) are resulted. It is established, that the area of achievement of the minimum viscosity is optimum for processing completely homogenous with high physical and chemical stability of solutions EMS which reached with addition of UFC in the field of its optimum concentration.


Berdiyeva M. I., Nazirova R. A., Tursunov T. T.  Phosphorylation of polycondensation polymers

There is obtained a new phosphate acid cation exchange resin by phosphorylation of the polymer products based on the interaction of bottom wastes of Shurtan gas-chemical complex and furfural. There is studied an influence of reaction time, catalyst concentration on phosphorylation, whereby established the optimal conditions of the reaction of chemical transformations. The obtained cation exchange resin has an exchange capacity on 0,1 N solution of NaOH - 7,5-8 mg-ekv / g.


Hamdamova D.Sh., Isxakova G.E., Primqulov M.T.

Bug'doy somoni va sholipoyadan yarimtayyor sellyuloza olish

The chemical composition of semiclemical derived from rice and wheat straw, definet tleeir physical, chemical quality.




Huzhakulov A. F., Madaminov O. E.

Technology of ecologically safe gas-chemical complex of utilization of sour torch gases

The basic scheme ecologically safe gas-chemical complex, providing processing practically without waste sulfur-containing natural gas is resulted.


Absadikov B. A., Rashidov K. Yu., Kutbiyev Zh. U., Alimova N. M.

Intensification of process of cooling of the viscid environment in air coolers

Comparative analysistic results of heat transfer intensities under the conditions of air and water-evaporation cooling process are presented in this work. The results are submitted as the diagrams of dependence of factor of a heat transfer from Reynolds’s criterion for oil. The results show that the intensity of heat transfer of cooling turbine oil by water-evaporation method is higher than the cooling by air method.


Hayitov R. R., Hayitov A. R., Dzhumayev U. R. The adsorption dearomatization and a denormalization of automobile gasoline with improvement of ekology-operational properties

Adsorption dearomatization and denormalization hydrocarbons of automobile gasoline from local oil-gas condensate raw materials it is received the fuel, answering to the European specifications. Method gas-liquid chromatography identifies structure of these hydrocarbons and influence their quantity on ekologo-operational characteristics of gasoline is shown.




Rustamov M. K., Karimov M. M., Halmatov M. M., Rustamova N. M., Mukhamediyev M. G.

A research of a sorption of rare metals from the AGMK technological solutions new ionites

Approbation of new ionits obtained by method of polymer – analogical reactions of polyacrylonitril and polyvinylchloride by amino-containing reagents on their sorbtion ability according to some rare metals from technological solutions of Almalik mounting – metallurgy combinat (AMMC) was carried out. It was determined the possibility of desorbtion of ions of these metals from saturated sorbents (saturation-12,5%) by water solutions of ammonium. On the base of carrying out investigations obtained sorbents were recommended for industrial tests with aim of extraction of rare metals from technological solutions of AMMC.




Gevorgyan A. M., Umarov F. A. Potentiometric definition of the free fatty acids in meat

Possibility and optimal conditions for potentiometric determination of acidity of meat by standard solution of 0.1 M kalium hydroxide were found. Influence of various factors on the results was research. Based on these data the analytical express - evaluation of the quality of meat was developed.




Djurayeva N.R., Isabayev I.B., Fatayeva D.X., Rajabova D.J., Rajabov N.A.

Yog'li parhezbop non mahsuloti ishlab chiqarishdà maxsus yog'-unli kompozitsiyadan foydalanish

Possibility of use of the crushed mass of a coconut copra with addition of a flour of a germ of wheat in production of rich grain products instead of more expensive margarine production as fat content of a coconut copra very high and is close to fat content of many margarine is investigated. Studying of technological and economic aspects of the matter allows to conclude about expediency application of such fatty composition instead of margarine.


Dzhakhangirova G. Z., Tursunkhodzhayev P. M. Application of products of processing of fruits and vegetables for fortification of the functional properties of flour products

It is established, that solids of investigated additives, it is easy fermented with baking yeast and the lactic bacteria, participating in the formation of taste and aroma of finished productions. The comparative analysis of the maintenance of nitrates in bread from wheat flour of I grade has shown that the amount of vegetable additives did not lead to essential increase in the concentration of ions NO 3—products in comparison with samples without additives.


Abdurakhimov A. A., Kadirov Yu. K., Serkayev K. P.

Electromagnetic impact on processes of hydration and alkaline refining a cotton mistsella

This article presents information on the effect 0,6-0,8 Tl electromagnetic treatment and hydration processes in alkali refining cotton miscella where the quality of the product is improved and intensified these processes.