Rakhimov R. H., Yuldashkhodzhayev A. I., Ermakov V. P., Rakhimov M. R., Latipov R. N. About a possibility of use of the ceramic materials synthesized on the big solar furnace in power - and resource-saving Preliminary results of laboratory - industrial test of the active ceramic additive to greasing of rubed pairs metal - metal are resulted with the purpose of revealing a degree of decrease of factor of friction, restoration, reduction energy of consumption and increase in a working resource of the electromechanical equipment.
Ruzibayev B. R., Aripova M. H., Hozhikhonov R. Issledovaniye of dependence "structure property" the zakristallizovannykh of glasses in system quartz-Kaolinum-dolomite Dependences of thermal coefficient of linear expansion, density, durability on a bend, istirayemost, chemical firmness from structure the crystallized glasses received in system quartz-kaolindolomite are investigated. Influence of components on change of properties the crystallized glasses is analysed.
Mkrtchyan R. V., Aripova M. H., Hudzhamberdiyev M., Khayrullin T. F., Dustmukhamedov T. Properties of the foamglasses received on the basis of natural raw materials and metallurgical slag Foamglasses with a density of 130-180 kg/m3 are received. Influence of composition of glass and gazoobrazovatel, and also foaming temperature on foamglass density is defined. IK ranges of initial glasses and foamglasses on their basis showed increase of degree of structural orderliness in the course of creation of cellular structure.
Mukhamedbayev A. A., Tulaganov A. A., Kamilov H. H., Mukhamedbayev A. A., Yaichnikov Ya. M. Definition of a whiteness of electrothermophosphoric slag and its mixes – as a control method of amount of additives in bezobzhigovy alkaline knitting It was established that a white electrothermophosphoric (ETF) slag depends not only on the degree of comminution of the slag, but also on the content of mineral additives, or surfactants. Justified the use of whiteness as the definition of the additive mixtures based electrothermophosphoric (ETF) slag , in which part of the slag replace mineral additives.
Mamataliyev A. A., Seytnazarov A. R., Namazov Sh. S., Beglov B. M. Physical and chemical and commodity properties of potassium-ammonium nitrate on the basis of strong solutions, a fusion cake of ammonium nitrate and chloride of a potassium The results of dissolution rate of granules, hygroscopic point, the sorption kinetics of water vapor and sorption water capacity of potassium and ammonium nitrate obtained by mixing the melt and concentrated solutions of ammonium nitrate with powdered potassium chloride were indicated.
Ziyadullaev O.E., Mahatova G.B., Ikramov A., Yusupova L.A. Favorskiy usulida atsetilen va atseton asosida 3,4-dimetilpentin-1-ol-3 sintez qilish jarayoni Studied the reaction by the method of synthesis of 3,4-dimetilpentin-1-ol-3, the mechanism and process control for this reaction. Systematically investigated the influence of several factors: the duration of the reaction, the catalyst and solvent nature on the yield of products.
Azimov S. H., Zakirov B. S., Narkhodzhayev A. H. Ammonium nitrate interaction with acetic monoetanolammoniy cupric acetate monohydrate Interaction of ammonium nitrate with an acetic acid monoethyamin copper acetate mono hydrate. It was studied fourfold system of ammonium nitrate with an acetic acid monoethyamin copper acetate mono hydrate with the he of isomolar series. It was proved that, in the isomolar solution is formed compound with molar ratio of components ammonium nitrate:acetic acid monoethyamin copper acetate mono hydrate 1:1 and 1:2.
Makhsumov A. G., Mirkamilov Sh. M., Tillayev A. T., Mirkamilov I. M. Receiving dye on the basis of 1 naphthylamine and its derivant, property, application Produced synthesis anti-1-[naftil-azo-31,51-dinitrofenol-21], as paint pigment used in paints enamels manufacturing, as paint lacquer used for color in metals and ligneous materials.
Kurbanova M. A., Tillayev A. T., Dzhalilov A. T., Ismailov I. I. Technology of receiving siliceous oligomernykh of fire retardants interaction sodium metasilicate with stearic acid and urea adduct In given article synthesis and working out of technology of reception organ fire-retardants , on a basis nitrogen-phosphorus and silicon is considered. Optimum conditions of synthesis organ fireretardants are defined and their basic physical and chemical properties are studied. With IR-spectroscopy use it is studied presence heterofunctional in organ fire-retardants.
Rakhimova L. S., Abdutalipov N. M., Nazirov R. A., Tursunov T. T., Berdiyeva M. I. Receiving and properties of new ion-exchange polymers of polycondensation type Received and investigated new ion exchange resins are based on waste of chemical production with improved rate of properties. Determined the structure of the obtained ion exchange resin by using modern methods of analyses. The possibility of using ion exchange resin aminosulfate ionit ANFS and sulfonic cationit SKDF in processes softening and deep desalting domestic and industrial water are shown.
Ikramov A., Kadirov H. I., Musulmanov N. H., Ten A. V., Ikramova Sh. A. Research by physical and chemical methods of catalysts of vapor-phase receiving vinyl acetate on the basis of acetylene The catalysts containing fluoride of cadmium, circus and aluminum oxides for vinyl-acetic ester synthesis on the basis of acetylene are investigated by methods of a X-ray analysis and some regularities are determined.
Niyozov A. K., Amonov M. R., Yariyev O. M. The analysis of a phase condition of the filling solutions in composition The article presents the analysis of the phase state of the filling solutions song (depending on concentration and temperature) in order to find the optimum quality leather shoes for the bottom.
Norkulova K. T., Alimov Z. B., Kudratov A. M., Mamatkulov M. M. Complex processing of reservoir water with use of vacuum and evaporating installation and its automation The results of complex processing of oil and gas condensate reservoir water “South Kemachi” Muborak district to produce iodine-bromine-magnesium concentrate and desalinated water by using vacuum evaporation plant and its model for creating automated processes.
Mirzayev U. M., Dekhkonov R. S., Isaev A. N. Kompleksonometrichesky definition of copper in polymeric complex compounds In article there is considered the study of the influence of macroligand vinylpirrolidon (VP)-crotonic aldehyde (CA) on quantitative determination of copper ions in presence 1-(2-piridyl-azo) -4-ciclopentilrezorcin (PACPR) with complex-sonometric title.
Ruzmetov U. U., Gevorgyan of A. M. Amperometricheskoye kompleksonometrichesky titration of ions of some noble metals and Hydrargyrum (II) tionalidy and thiourea The possibility of titration of some noble metals and murcrium(II) has been shown. It was determined that at formation complexes of thionalid and thiourea with investigated ions of metals in the end point of titration their molar with reagents was equaled 1:1 for Ag+, 1:2 Pd2+ and Hg2+, 1:3 Au3+, 1:4 Pt4+.
Akhmedov A. N., Suvanova F. U., Abdurakhimov S.A., Ikromov O. A. Research of process of oil refining, received from low-grade seeds of a cotton It is shown that the quality of refined cotton oil gotten from lightened modified carbamid, clay adsorbents (MCCA-4) damp oil is better than gotten usual damp oil from low-grade cotton seed.
Mamatov Sh.M., Dodaev Q.O., Choriev A.J. Sabzavotlarni quritish jarayonining eksperimental tadqiqi It is studied convective drying process of vegetables such as: temperature and velocity of the hot air, comparative load of flow of the hot air in a laboratory condition.
Babayev S. D., Ergasheva H. B., Radzhabova V. E., Rakhimova G. H., Ravshanov S. S. Studying of flour-grinding and baking properties of grades of grain of wheat of the Bukhara viloyat The article presents the results of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the properties of wheat flour, distributed in the area of Bukhara region. |