Подпись: 4/2005



Usanboyev N., Namozov SH.S., Beglov B. M.  Interaction of humic acids of the oxidized Angren coal with phosphorites Central Kyzylkumov of the oxidized Angren coal with phosphorites Central Kyzylkumov

In work interaction of humic acids of the oxidized Angren coal with ordinary ground phosphate, pulverous fraction and a thermoconcentrate of phosphorites Central Kyzylkumov is studied. It is shown that this interaction transfers the neusvoyaemy P203 form in phosphatic raw materials to a form, usvoyaemy for plants.


Mirzakulov H. Ch. Physical and chemical researches the nitrokaltsiyfosfatnykh of the fertilizers received from phosphatic raw materials Central Kyzylkumov

Physical and chemical methods studied structure the nitrokaltsiysuljfofosfatnykh of fertilizers from nonenriched phosphorites, the chemical and washed concentrate Central Kyzylkumov, received at decomposition by inexact norm of hydrogen nitrate. Also composition of salt in solution is defined their chemical. Principal components of fertilizers are nitrocalcite, calcium hydroorthophosphate dihydrate, sulfate and nitrate of an ammonium.


Asamov D. D., Mirzakulov H. Ch., Bardin S. V., Erkayev A.U.

Receiving phosphoric fertilizer on the basis of a conversion phosphochalk

Article is devoted to receiving a monodikaltsiyammofosfat on the basis of a phosphochalk and an extraction phosphoric acid. Optimum parameters of process are revealed. Rheological behavior of the sour and ammoniated pulps are defined.


Yunusov M. P., Molodozhenyuk T. B., Dzhalalova Sh. B., Lavoshnikov V. V.

Features of formation of a cellular structure of absorbites from fruit stones

Getter characteristics and features of a cellular structure of the fissile coals intended for local installations of receiving qualitative potable water are studied. The IK and UF methods of a spectroscopy characterized the humic substances emitted from the soil of some regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan and which are typical pollutants of the surface water along with phenols and oil products. Prospects of alkaline modifying of the fissile coals from fruit stones in the course of water treatment are shown.




Maksumov A. G., Babayev I. D., Sulaymonov I. A., Sulaymonov B. I., Lutfullayev S.

Azobirikma of a hosilalarina synthesis & hossalar

Synthesis a hexamethylene is carried out. — encore - [(2,4-dimethylphenyl — азо-21-naftocsin) a carbamate]  from new derivativ bis carbamates reaction 1-{ [(2,4 — dimethylphenyl) — азо] — 2 — a naphthol } and with hexamethylene diisocyanate. Are presented the mechanism of its education and structure.

The painting properties a hexamethylene - an encore - [(2,4-dimethylphenyl — азо-21-naftocsin) a carbamate] and which passed test at the Karshitermoplast plant are found.


Yusupov D., Ikramov A., Rakhmatullayeva G. D., Mirkamilova M. S., Tangriyarov N. S.

Catalytic synthesis of the hydrogenated indoles

Synthesis of indoles by condensation of cyclohexane with monoethanol amine in fluid and steam phases is investigated.




Mikitayev A. K., Bedanokov A. Yu., Lednev O. B., Beshtoyev B. Z., Mikitayev M. A.

Polymeric nanocomposites on a basis the organomodifitsirovannykh of aluminosilicates: features of structure, receiving, properties

Article is devoted the science which is the most developing recently to the direction - to receiving and use of nanocomposite polymeric materials. In work special attention is paid to organomodifitsirovanny montmorillonite as a nanotechnology object.


Kudyshkin V. O. Synthesis poly-п - vinylcaprolactam in the presence of chain-transfer agents

Using various approaches synthesis of a polivinilkaproloktam in the presence of agents of transfer of the purpose is carried out.


Fatoyev I. I., Lutfullayev S. Sh., Mirvaliyev 3.3., Dzhalilov A. T.

Influence of plasticization and extent of biaxial orientation to electric properties of polyvinylchloride

Influence of contents and the nature of softener, and also biaxial orientation to structure and the PVC electric properties is investigated.


Inogamov S. Ya., Mukhamedzhanova M. Yu., Karimov And, To., Mukhamedov G. I. Research of structural mechanical characteristics of polycomplex gels of cellulose glicollic acid with ureaformaldehyde oligomers

Rheological behavior of polycomplex gels sodium - cellulose glicollic acids with mochevino-formaljdegidny oligomers in various ratios of components in temperature range 298-343K are studied and strength characteristics of gels, and also the sizes of building blocks are estimated.




Namazbayev Sh. N., Molodozhenyuk T. B., Lavoshnikov V. V., Yunusov B.M.

Zakonomernosti of a sorption of medicinal substances from sewage ампулыюго shops of JSC Uzkhimfarm

The possibility of use of the fissile coals from a wastage of the canning industry for decrease in HPK of sewage of JSC Uzkimefarm is shown. Modifying of a karbonizat of peach stones soda, increasing amount of a mesotime which diameter exceeds the sizes of molecules of components of injection solutions, sharply increases getter activity of coals.


Karimov K.F. 

Calculation of a thermolysis at condensation of freonmaslyany mix on a pipe with ring flutes

In the real work the method of calculation of a heat-transfer coefficient at condensation of freonomaslyany mix on the horizontal pro-thinned-out pipe is offered (in a heat exchange intensification condition).


Sagdullayev B. T.

Purification of protein of processing waste of corn with a flowing micro ultrafiltration

Influence of tangential speed on formation of pollution of microfiltration membranes when filtering water extract алтея is studied. The sizes of resistance of membranes caused by adsorption, concentration-polarization, reversible and irreversible pollution are calculated.


Barakayev N. R., Mirkholikov T. T., Rustambekova R.

Improvement of process and model of purification of grain of impurity

For effectiveness of purification of grain and clearness of separation the brush stripper which rotating round its pivot-center is installed in the pneumoseparating channel, evenly distributes grain mix and creates the favorable aerodynamic process. It gives the chance to receive high-quality flour.


Turayev T., Alimov A.

Kinetics and chemistry of absorption of sour gases by solutions of composition of amines

Results of the analysis of kinetic researches of absorption of sour gases by the activated compositions of diethanol amide and methyldiethanol amide with hexamethylenetetramine from natural gas are given in article.




Serkayev K. P., Ilyasov A. T., Narzikulova K.T., Mirzayev A. N.

Purification the hlorofilsoderzhashchikh of oils in the presence of a carbamide

Results of the researches conducted for increase in effectiveness of refining vegetable oils are given in article. Application of a carbamide at stages of acid and alkaline purification the vysokokhlorofilnykh of oils led to gain in yield and improvement of quality of the received product.


Zakirova M. R., Chasanoff H. T., Turobzhonov S. M.

Enzymatic hydrolysis of various proteins of wheat in heterogeneous systems

Will study enzymatic hydrolysis of various proteins secreted from wheat by a neutral proteinase (a neytraza of "Novo-nordist", Denmark), It is shown that the speed of hydrolysis of alkali-soluble proteins is 10-11 times higher, than an albumin, 3-4 times are higher, than is higher than alcohol-soluble proteins of willows of a 2-2,5raz, than salt-soluble proteins. Speed of hydrolysis of native alkali-soluble protein in a 4-6raz is higher, in comparison by the denatured protein.