Rakhmatkariyev G. U., Abdurakhmonov E. B., Rakhmatkariyeva F. G.

Isotherm and differential heats of absorption of an ammik in LiX zeolite.

Isotherm and differential heats ammonia adsorption in the LiX zeolite were measured at 303K. The isotherm of adsorption was quantitatively reproduced on the basis of VOM theory. The detailed mechanism of benzene adsorption in LiX zeolite from zero filling to saturation was discovered.


Hamrakulov Z. A., Askarova M. K., Tukhtayev S.

Dolomite decomposition process studying by the hydrochloric acid

The kinetics of process of dolomite decomposition by salt acid depending on concentration and temperature has been studied. It has been installed the mains kinetic parameters of decomposition process and equations of dependencies of the rapid constant of decomposition and its logarithm from the temperature have been created.


Eshmetov I. D., Salikhanova D. S., Ochilov G. M., Agzamova F. N., Agzamkhodzhayev A. A.

Research of influence of water hardness at a size of viscosity of vodougolno-fuel suspensions

Recommend using of industrial sewage water for WCFS production as and in this case the general water hardness of industrial waste water corresponds to norms of maximum concentration limit, it is economically useful for application. It is shown, that at WCFS reception using the modifier - black oil, the maintenance of a firm phase in WCFS raises, and thus viscosity of structure at application of the modifier - black oil is characterized with lower values. Application of the modifier - black oil leads to increase of sedimentation stability of WCFS system with the subsequent increase of power efficiency at their combustion




Turobjonov S.M., Fayzullayev N.I. O’zbekiston tabiiy gazidan etilen olishning istiqbolli usullari

Catalytical activity of the catalyst prepared on sol-gel method with the composition: (Mn2O3)x*(Na2MnO4)y*(ZrO2)z for the reaction of oxidative coupling of methane has been studied. Based on the study of kinetic objective laws of the process for producing ethylene from methane, a mechanism of the reaction flow has been offered and revealed catalytic process equation.


Abdullaeva F. A., Chasanov Sh. B., Azizov T. A.

Electronic ranges raznoligandnykh of complexes of stearate of cobalt (II)

Is shown a synthesis of a mixed-ligand coordination compounds of cobalt stearate (II), and elemental analysis of the obtained compounds. Based on the study of the electronic spectra of the synthesized compounds defined coordination number of the central atom.


Holboyev Yu. H., Makhsumov A. G., Inakov T. K., Mamazhonov Zh. Sh., Rakhimberdiyeva Sh. R.

Studying of electronic structure and quantum and chemical calculations of N, N1-geksametilen encore - [(diphenylamine) of urea]

Studied and shown structure, electronic quantum-chemical calculations. Molecular and dynamical characteristics of N,N’-hexamethylene bis[(diphenylamino)-urea’s], 3D structures, charge distribution and the electron density of the initial reagents.


Urinov U. K., Abdukhashimov H. A., Maksumova  O. S. Issledovaniye of crystalline structure the morfolinsoderzhashchikh of betaines and their complex compounds with urea

New crystal compound has been synthesized by the interaction of morpholinebetaine with carbamide (urea). Crystal structure of morpholinebetaine- carbamide has been studied with the help of IR- spectroscopy and X-ray structure analysis.




Halikov M. M., Murodov M. M., Rakhmanberdiyev G. R.

Receiving technical Na-KMTs with the increased value of extent of replacement

Effect of stepwise introduction of sodium hydroxide and sodium monochloroacetate during synthesing of technical sodium carboxymethylcellulose investigated. Effect of fractional introduction of reagents for qualitative indicators of carboxymethylcellulose determined.


Samigov N. A., Magrupov F. A., Dzhalilov A. T.

Physical and chemical features of structurization of the modified carbamide composites

The results of the physical-chemical and microscopic research works of structure formations in modified carbàmidå compositions are given in the article.


Rakhimova L. S., Abdutalipov N. M., Tursunov T. T., Nazirova R. A.

Sulphonation of polycondensation polymers on the basis of local raw materials

Furfural polymer data has synthesized and investigated by sulfonation with optimal conditions.

There is a sulfonation data related to the parameters sulfonation agent, time and time, reaction duration and etc.


Eshqurbonov F.B., Turaev Õ.Õ., Qosimov Sh.A., Djalilov A.T. Tarkibida kislorod, oltingugurt, azot bo’lgan ba’zi kompleks hosil qiluvchi ionitlarda mis (II), nikel (II) va kobalt (II) ionlarining sorbsiyasi

The article describes the composition and structure of chelating ion exchangers held IR - spectrum analysis with which to determine the chemical bonds and functional groups of the ion exchanger. Shows the results of the degree of adsorption of ions produced resin. These results showed that the obtained resins are selective sorption properties of base and precious metals.


Teshabayeva E. U., Seydabdullayev Ya. O., Ibadullayev A. S.

Influence of bentonite and conditions of processing on a mechanodestruction of elastoplastics

In this paper it has been exposed the investigation of the influence of bentonite and its content on the molecular mass of caoutchouc and technological properties of rubber mixture at the reprocessing.


Aripova M. H., Mkrtchyan R. V.

Research of infrared ranges of compositions polyanionic cellulose - biocompatible glass

IR spectroscopic method studied composition hydrophilic cements, which are used polyanionic cellulose obtained from local herbs and finely ground glass system Zn3(PO4)2-Ca5(PO4)3F-CaAl2Si2O8.




Mansurov Yu. N., Kadirova D. S., Aripov B. H.

 Influence of alloying elements on an austenitization and body height of austenitic grain when heating became

Fundamental laws of interrelation of a chemical compound, structure and properties of metal systems are revea-led, influence of alloying elements on austenitization and growth of austenistic grains is defined at steel heating. Elements – carbide formers improve hardenability if at training temperature are completely dissolved in austenite, differently undiluted carbides serve as the disintegration centres of austenite and reduce hardenability. Especially effectively complex alloing at which useful influence of separate elements to hardenability mutually amplifies.




Arslanova N. Sh., Zavorotny V. L., Turakhuzhayev S.A., Rybalchenko V. S.

Well-drilling with application ecological technologies

The article presents proposing the problem of disposal of drilling waste, to solve through the introduction of protective functions of the complex engineering activities, including, firstly, the application in the process of drilling mud through water-soluble biodegradable polymers and quadruple systems, cleaning fluid, and secondly, the application design platform with the wells trench in the body of the embankment site for pressed cuttings, which is arranged for a temporary earthen vessel for drilling wastewater.


Mutalov Sh. A., Agzamkhodzhayev A. A.

Use of a withdrawal of the kungradsky soda plant for a sewage disposal of the textile industry

In this article results of researches on purification of textile plants coloured sewage by calcium hydrosilicate received on the basis of a dilute solution (0,05 %) of Kungrad soda factory withdrawal (10 % liquid calcium chloride) in a combination with diluted (0,05 %) solution of a liquid silica glass are presented. The basic flow diagramme of purification of industrial sewage by chemical way is developed.


Suvanova F. U. Oil refining process recovery

As a result of the adsorptive refining of oils, is formed a great amount of wastes in the form of the used bleached soits which are offered to be applied as additives for enriching the provender meal.




Babayev S. D., Ergasheva H. B., Radzhabova V. E., Rakhimova G. H., Ravshanov S. S.

Research of processing behavior of grain of wheat of grades "Intensive", "Sanzar 8", "Bakht"

Physical characteristics of grain of wheat of grades “Intensive” are provided in article, “Sanzar 8”, by “Bakht”. The conclusion is drawn on technological advantages of the called grades.