Turdiyev J.Sh., Bobokulov S.Kh., Bakhronov Kh.N., Nebesniy A.A., Shevchenko V.P. Elabration of technologies for synthesis of oxide materials using the sun’s energy in small and large solar furnaces (Parkent, Uzbekistan) Possibility use of a sunlight for creation of îxides materials treatment technologies, as alternative energy source, is shown. Solar installations parameters and the properties of materials influencing on synthesis technological parameters in solar furnaces are defined. Properties of the Aluminium titanate, mullite, ZrO2-Al2O3 synthesised in the solar furnaces are presented.
Abdurakhmanov I.E, Kabulov B. J. Development of selective catalytic systems for semiconductor sensors ammonia Is investigated laws of oxidation of combustible substances on various catalysts. The carried out researches show, that the catalysts on the basis of binary mixes oxides of metals (10Fe2O3+90TiO2) provide selective oxidation of ammonia in a mix of gases containing in the structure of hydrogen and oxide of carbon.
Iskenderov A.M., Begdullaev A.K., Erkaev A.U., Toirov Z.K. Some problems of purification of low-grade table salt abstract Detailed calculation of technical and economic indicators of the preparation process of low-grade common salt of the deposit of Barsakelmes for manufacture soda ash has been carried out. It has been experimentally established optimum parametres of the removal process of clay impurity from salt that provides increase of chloride of sodium in it from 92,8 to 97,0-99,0 %.
Mkrtchyan R.V., Aripova M.Kh., Dosmukhamidov T.V. About getting glasses based on industrial waste and natural raw materials Determined temperature of fusion and the field of glass forming for systems containing waste production and of natural non-deficient raw materials.
Olimova M.I., Mukhamedov N.S., Elmuradov B.Zh. Synthesis of esters of β-N-benzoxazolinone-2-yl propionicacids and their some modification In the work esterification of β-N-benzoxazolinone-2-yl propionic acids in the presence of acidic catalysts have been carried out and corresponding ethyl esters have been synthesized in good yields. The obtained esters react with hydrazine hydrate to give hyrazides, which under action of aromatic aldehydes easily turned into corresponding hydrazones.
Juraev A.D., Baltabayev U.A., Aripov S.A., Kimsanov H.H. Synthesis fnd electronic structure of nitrogencontaining 5-membered heterochromatic systems It is carried out guanto-chemical investigation of fivemembered azotecontaining heterocycles. On the basis of guatochemical recounting a thin eltctronic structure of three-azote system has been established. There have been analized guestions of for-ming, conformation, have been determined more stable forms of structures studied by heterocycles.
Islomova Yu.U., Maksumova O.S. N-acetylcarbazole synthesized It has been studied N-acylation of carbazole with acetylchloride in the condition of FeCl3. It has been studied physical and chemical properties and of N-acetylcarbazole synthesized by IR- and NMR1N—spectroscopy.
M.I. Ibodulloyeva, T.A. Azizov, Ì.R. Ibragimova, À.V. Samidjonova, N. B. Igamberdiyeva Complex compounds of nikotinates nikel (II) and copper (II) with acetamide Complex compounds nikel (II) and copper (II) nikotinates with acetamide are synthesized. The composition, individuality, coordination modes of nicotinate fragment and molecules of acetamide are revealed. Thermal behavior of the received complexes was investigate too.
Rakhmanberdiev R.G., Khusenov A.Sh., Malikova M.Kh., Mukhamedov I.M. Inulin acetate on the basis of topinambour tubers (Helianthus Tuberosus L.) It is exposed in the paper that for the first time the inulin ester - inulin acetate has been obtained by the etherification of inulin with acetic anhydride. The obtained product has been investigated by methods of the elementary analysis and IR - spectroscopy. Sensitivity of microbes to inulin acetate has been studied.
Sotimov G.B., Mamatqhanova M.A., Vinogradova V.N., Kotenko L.D., Mamatqhanov A.U. Development of technology of obtaining of cytisine and flateron from the arial part of Thermopsis à1terniflora In order to develop cost-effective technology for the alkaloid cytisine and total flavonoids flatiron of the aerial part of Thermopsis alterniflora we decided to be extracted at the same time both classes of compounds with the further division of them by methods of precipitation, purification and recrystallization. And for receiving products of high purity also traditional methods of purification of alkaloids and flavonoids were used.
Ahrarov B.B., Sayfutdinov R.S., Muhamedgaliev B.A. Study mode combustions fire-sfeting woods materials The mechanisms of chemical fire protection, kinetic regularities of thermal decomposition of modified samples. Shows the advantages of polymeric flame-retardants compared to low molecular weight analogues.
Mukkaramov N.I., Khodjaniyazov Kh.U., Shahidoyatov H.M. Detoxification of organochlorine pesticides under the action of nicotine and the amount of alkaloids A sum of alkaloids was isolated from tobacco waste. Reactions of nicotine and the sum of alkaloids with chloroorganic pesticides (DDT, HCCH, and TTBC) were studied. The methods of qualitative and quantitative determination of DDT and its metabolites in reaction mixture by HPTLC, GC and chromatomass-spectrometry were developed.
Abdullayeva S.Sh., Nurmukhamedov H.S., Nurillayeva A.A., Babayev Z.K. The problem of partial drying when cleaning deformed materials It’s presented experimental studies of the process of partial drying of sugar beet in the purification method of the instant pressure relief. Analysis of experimental data shows that the higher the initial moisture content of sugar beets, the more intense process of partial drying method for cleaning root instant pressure relief more than 1.3 times. It is known the conduct of the two processes in a single unit is very relevant and effective aspect.
Turayev T.B., Mengliev Sh.Sh., Igamkulova N.A., Bozorova G.T. Degradation of solution of diethanolamine at the purification of natural gas The causes of the degradation solution of diethanolamine used in the purification of natural gas. It has been defined that saturated and nonregenated diethanolamine should be cleaned from thermostable salts, amino acids, bicine and mechanical, impurities in order to develop the productivity of refining gas.
Raximova Sh.X., Mejlumyan L.G., Sagdullayev Sh.Sh. Papaya lateksidan sistein proteinazalarni ajratib okishda yangi texnologik jarayon yaratish The time, intensity and frequency of ultrasound exposure on the papaya latex suspension were determined. Results of the comparative analysis of the drug substance “Cucumazime” samples with and without ultrasound were obtained under the laboratory conditions. Ultrasonic extraction for 15 min increases the yield of the substance for 7% with maintaining the proteolytic activity.
Shakirzyanova G.S., Nizamov D.B., Babaev B.N., Eshimbetov A.G., Tursunhodjaev P.M. Monitoring into the granary conditions by using of aggregation pheromone of weevils The using of natural bioregulators – pheromones, into the protection of grain products from pest insects, is a very perspective direction in agriculture. Testing of artificial pheromone – sitophilure into the granary of Tashkent and Chinaz district has been performed. According to our results, the biggest concentration of pheromone showed repellent’s properties and we have been found interval of concentrations for stable attractiveness of grain weevils. The using of pheromone traps could be determined dynamics of flying and insect’s density special for protection measures. In our experiments we also have been tested MW equipment special for extermination pest insects, and have been received some positive results.
Djuraeva N.R., Isabaev I.B., Atamuratova T.I. Thermal processing influence on biocoenosis of emulsion oil-flour composite mixes Influence of preliminary pasteurization of flour of germinal product of wheat on quality of emulsion oilflour composite mixes during storage is researched. It has been established that mixes with the additive without thermal treatment after 15 days of storage at temperature 5±1îC did not correspond to requirements of Hygiene and Disease Service unlike samples with thermal treatment which period of storage has increased up to 45 days.
Áîáàåâ È.Ä., Õóæàìøóêóðîâ Í.À., Àáäóëëàåâ Õ.Î., Ðàìàçàíîâ Í.Ø. The influence of the amount of steroids and minerals on a nutrient medium culture of Chlorella vulgaris sp2 The influence of the sum of steroids and minerals (NaCl, KNO3, NH4Cl) on biomass increase speed of Chlorella vulgaris sp2 was investigated. It is established that, when added to the algae culture medium 50 mg/l the sum of steroids and 300 mg/l minerals (NaCl, KNO3, NH4Cl), the observed increase in the rate of formation of biomass and the concentration of minerals in it. |