The size of the paper should not be less than 5 pages and exceed 10 pages, printed in 12 font with single-space interval (Times New Roman, Uzbek - Latin font). The number of authors should not exceed 5.
The structure of the scientific paper Title Abstract, author's summary Introduction Methods Results and Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgments Reference The title, name of the authors, the organization is given in 3 languages (Uzbek in Latin). The UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) of paper is given.
Annotations should be informative (reflect the main content of the paper and the results of research) (in 3 languages): informative (do not contain common words) and include the aim of the work in a concise form; structured (the parts are required to follow the chronology of paper, the headlines use as a guide); use technical terminology, clearly expressing your opinion as a specialist; use good English (written English); the text should be coherent with the use of the words "consequently", "moreover", "for example", "as a result", etc., or separate statements should logically connected with each other; it is necessary to use an active voice rather than passive voice, i.e. " The study tested "instead of " It was tested in this study ". compact but not short (ranging from 100 to 250 words)
Keywords should reflect the main content of the paper, if possible, not repeat the terms of the title and annotations, use the terms from the paper text, as well as, terms defining the subject area and including other important concepts that will facilitate and expand the possibilities of searching the paper in the information database system (5-7 words).
The figures should be of high quality presented in JPG, TIFF, PCX or other similar formats (excluding scanning in PDF) in the text, numbered (if there is more than one) and have figure’s captions.
References Allow no more than 30% of self-quotations; Reference from foreign sources - papers, conferences abstracts, books included in Scopus and Web of Science (from 20-30% of the list); Include relevant sources showing that research on this topic is still ongoing (there are exceptions); Actively use DOI in bibliography lists, including it in descriptions of journal papers that have this identifier;
Rules for making sources can be found on the website
An example of an paper UDC ДИСПЕРСНО-АРМИРОВАННЫЙ БЕТОН Шухратбек Ю. ШАКИРОВ1 (, Лаврентий У. АРСЕНОВ2 ( 1Ташкентский химико-технологический институт 2Ташкентский архитектурно-строительный институт
KUZATILGAN BETON Shuxratbek Yu. SHAKIROV1, Lavrentiy U. ARSENOV2 1Toshkenт kimyo-texnologiya institute 2Toshkent arxitektura-kurilish institute
DISPERSE-REINFORCED CONCRETE Shuhratbek Yu. SHAKIROV1, Lavrentiy U. ARSENOV2 1Tashkent Chemical and Technological Institute 2Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction
Abstract: Keywords: no more than 8 words
Introduction Text METHODS Text Results and discussion Text C ONCLUSION Text REFERENCES - font size 8 1. 2. … 20. |