Подпись: 1/2007



Mirzakulov H. Ch., Bardin S. V., Shamayev B. E. The production technology of the activated phosphoric fertilizers from high-carbonized phosphorites Central Kyzylkumov

The research of process of decomposition of high-carbonized phosphatic raw materials Central Kyzylkumov is conducted at the under norm of an extraction phosphoric acid at various ratios of R205EFK/R705F and strengths of acid in the solid-phase mode in the auger reactor mixer, the optimum frequency rate of a retur providing normal course of technological process Is defined. The flow diagram of receiving the activated phosphoric fertilizer is offered.


Rakhimov R.A.

Elektrolitovy additives for acceleration of autoclave concreting of a silicate brick on the basis of barkhan sands

Results of researches of additives of the salts which are changing рН a liquid phase of limy and sand mix and chemically interacting with knitting are given. The additives of salts rising рН react, mainly, the anions, forming connections, the majority of which is shielded the grain knitting. The additives lowering рН a liquid phase accelerate concreting due to increase in speed of disolution of oxide of calcium. Products of interaction of these additives with knitting represents the oxyhydroxides of metals participating in formation of structure of material. Additives of this group increase glutinosity of weight that needs to be considered by production of autoclave materials.


Yunusov M. Yu., Babayev Z. K., Matchanov Sh.K., Saidnazarova I.S.

Shisha of a massasina тиниқлаштириш zharayoniga calcium sulfate tajsira tuzining

Work is devoted to studying influence of the calcium sulfate used as additive as a part of the enriched quartz sand on process of defecation of a melt of the glass received when heating glass fusion mixture.




Tortbayeva D., Turabdzhanov S. M., Kedelbayev B. Sh.

Liquid-phase hydrogenation of benzene on skeletal nickel catalysts

Results of a research of process of hydrogenation of benzene on the skeletal nickel catalysts modified by ferromanganese are explained. Key parameters are determined, optimization and correlation of conditions of course of process of a hydrogenation is carried out.


Halikova S. D., Kadirov H. I., Ikramov A.

Condensation of a carbamide (Thiocarbamidum) with mono - and bifunctional connections

Reaction of heteroring formation of urea and thiourea with mono - and bifunctional connections is studied. Heterogeneous ring compounds with two heterocyclic atoms are synthesized.


Hakimova G. R., Batirov B. B., Keremetskaya L. V., Yusupov D., Tangyarikov N. S.

Vapor-phase synthesis of vinyl acetate on new catalysts

Paraphase synthesis of vinyl acetate is studied. Properties of new catalysts for vinyl acetate synthesis are developed and investigated.


Baltabayev U. A., Dzhurayev A. D., Makhsumov A. G. New derivativ thioureas and their biological activity

New derivativ thioureas by interaction nitro - chlorine - bromine - iodine benzoilizotiotsianat with 4-aminobenzolsuljfokisloty, 4 aminodiphenyl, a 1-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulfokiayutoy and 4-amino benzoic acid are synthesized. The structure of the synthesized connections is proved by physical and chemical methods. Among the synthesized connections substances with antiinflammatory properties are found.


Makhsumov A. G., Sulaymonov I. A., Sulaymoyaov B. I., Bobayev I. D.

Synthesis and properties of derivativ polialkilep encore { (phenyl of replaced) urea }

Process of nucleophilic accession of the replaced arylamines, such as 2-metidanilin, 4-metidanidin, 2 methyl - 4 nitroaniline, 4-aminoatsetilanilin, ksenilami-are new with hexamethylene diisocyanate is studied, new derivativ bis urea geksame-tilen encore - are synthesized [(the replaced anlina) urea]. The estimated mechanism of their education is reasonable from the scientific point of view. Reactivity >N-H of group replaced bis urea, and also replacement and an alkylation >N-Na of group is studied. Chemical constitution of new derivants of bis urea is confirmed with an ultimate analysis and the modern physical methods.


Maksumova A. S. About polymerization of N, N-dimetilaminoetilmetakrilata with iodide connections

Kinetic features of spontaneous polymerization of N, N-dimetila-of a minoetilmetakrilat with iodide connections are studied. Influence of the nature of solvent, concentration of reactants, temperatures on reaction polymerization is investigated and kinetic parameters of process are determined.


Zhurayev A. V., Adilov R. I., Nizamov T. A, Alimukhamedov M. G., Magrupov F. A.

Influence of conditions of synthesis on structuring unsaturated polyester resinss

Conditions of synthesis and physical and chemical properties of unsaturated polyesters on the basis of toxilic anhydride and a product of alcoholysis of a wastage of poly(ethylene terephthalate) are studied by diethylene glycol. Larger reactionary activity of system a polyester styrene, than a polyester acrylonitrile is established.


Fatoyev I. I., Lutfullayev S. Sh., Mirvaliyev Z. Z. Polivinilkhloridni of fizikaviya модификациялаш usul

Modification of PVC on the basis of a production wastage is carried out. Comparison of the obtained experimental datas shows that by means of various local modifying materials and the industrial wastes, it is possible to improve quality and physicomechanical properties of composition polymers.


Yusupkhodzhayeva E. I., Sidikov And, S., Rakhmanberdiyev G., Arslanov Sh. S.

Dependence of the surface activity of water-soluble air of cellulose on their chemical composition

Dependence of the surface activity of the compound ethers of cellulose on a demarcation solution - a saturated steam from their chemical composition is investigated. It is established that air of cellulose reduces the interfacial tension on a demarcation an aqueous solution - a saturated steam in that case when in their structure there are radio groups which are not discording in water on ions.


Zhurayev T. T., Dzhalilov A. T., Beknazarov H. S., Akbarov H. I. Research oligomernykh of rust inhibitors

In work anticorrosive properties nitrogen and phosphorus of the containing oligomerny IK-4 rust inhibitor synthesized on the basis of local raw materials are studied.




Lie R. Ch. Paths of increase in effectiveness of separation of nefgegazozhidkostny mix

The new design of an oil and gas liquid separator which allows to increase the time spent of a stream in a separator is given and to increase effectiveness of separation of oil and gas liquid mix.



Uryupin V. V., Kim A.M. The low-temperature gas conditioning with cooling in a vortex pipe

Results of theoretical researches of process of NTS of gas with its cooling are given in a vortex pipe for extraction of hydrocarbonaceous condensate and moisture.


Hayrapetyan L. R., Murtazina V. A. Problems of desalting of gas conditioning, rastvorovglikoly on installations

Influence of inorganic salts and mechanical impurities in glycol solution on its poglotitlny ability is considered and ways of its cleaning are given.





Mansurov Yu. N. Optimization of increase in a capacity factor of non-ferrous metals

Options of the technical solutions promoting increase in a capacity factor of metal in branches of economy of Uzbekistan are presented.


Mansurov Yu. N., Rakhimov I. I., Babakhaiov D. Sh. Economic aspects of processing of secondary alloys

Assessment, the introduced by authors, rational schemes of preparation and metallurgical processing of scrap and a wastage of the aluminum alloys increasing extraction and quality of an exit of mountain metal is presented.




Ismatullayev P. R., Azimov R. K. A thermal method and the device for measurement of fat content of milk

In work the thermal method of measurement of liquid of milk is considered, the block diagram of the measuring converter and its statistical characteristic are provided.


Pulatova L. T.

Influence chemical structure of antibiotics on their classification when conducting customs examination

In article the results of the analytical researches conducted by the author, demonstrating that for the customs purposes chemical classification which allows to study dependence between chemical structure, physical and chemical properties and action of antibiotics is most expedient and evidence-based are discussed.


Namozov A. A.

Sadik in ичимдикдар tarkibidag of an ozuk ¸shilmalarin capillary of an elektroforezd аниқлаш uslub

The method of a capillary electrophoresis is used not only for identification of relatives on a structure of substances, but also for quality control, technological monitoring and identification of medicinal preparations and foodstuff.


Chasanova D. T., Tukhtaboyev N. H., Askaarov I. R. Pivo of an ichimligina of kimyoviya of a tarkiba of an asosid халқаро goods of a kodlarina сертификатлаш VA таснифлаш muammolar

 In article questions of studying of commodity codes of beer on the basis of chemical composition are considered. The order of differentiation of commodity codes of beer on the basis of chemical composition is offered, economic efficiency of the offered method Is specified.