Подпись: 2/2007



Dadakhodzhayev A. T., Salavatov F. R., Rakhimzhanov T. A., Nishonov M. F., Kukonboyev I. I.

Experience - but-industrial production of an obesserenny conversion catalyst of white damp (II)

Trial installation on production of a medium temperature conversion catalyst CO under brand UCC-02 is constructed and opened up. Experienced tests of the released trial party UCC-02 on the artificial gas are carried out. It is shown that the catalyst meets for the main physical and chemical characteristics the requirements of the industry and corresponds to the developed normative document. As promoter the cupric nitrate added to solution of ferrous nitrate is recommended.


Adylov G. T., Fayziyev Sh. A., Minasmanova G. S., Irmatov Sh. K., Rumi M. H., Payzullakhanov M. S.

Ceramic granite - the modern structural finishing material of the highest class

Physical and chemical properties of structural lining material - porcelain tile, the simulated granite representing a product, having original properties and higher principal specifications distinguishing it from other ceramics are studied. It is shown that at a proximity of mineralogical and chemical compositions of natural granites and porcelain tile, the received simulated materials possess higher rates. 


Atakuziyev E. T. The clinker received on power - and resource-saving technology, and cements on its basis

Results of researches of processes of a klinkeroobrazovaniye and hydration the alitosuljfoalyuminatnykh of cements and their physicomechanical and straining properties are given. It is shown that by production of alitosuljfoalyuminatny clinker there are decrease in fuel and energy expenses, in particular roasting temperatures on 100-150 °C.


Kulibayev A. A., Akhmetov D. A., Kasimov E. K., Ramatullayev K., Abdukhalikov A. A.

Stabilization of properties of heat-insulating concrete by method of internal impregnation

The experimental datas on studying of thermal characteristics of not autoclave cellular concrete, and also influence of various additives on strength characteristics are provided in article.


Rakhimov R. A. Influence of the dehydrated loess on fiziko-mechanical characteristics of cellular concrete

It is defined that use as an excipient of cellular concretes of the dehydrated loess positively influences physicomechanical properties




Esenbekova G. L., Tortbayeva D. R., Kedelbayev B. Sh., Rysbayeva G.

Receiving sorbite on the modified nickel catalysts

Catalytic activity of floatable nickel catalysts with additives of ferroalloys in the course of receiving sorbite is investigated.


Tangyarikov N. S., Hakimova G. R., Ikramov A., Yusupov D. Catalytic synthesis of vinyl acetate

Properties of new catalytic systems for synthesis of vinyl acetate in a liquid and vapor phase are developed and investigated.


Sharipov M. S. Krakhmalni оксидлаш usulida модификациялаш VA hossalarina uning ўрганиш

Results of a research of process of modification of Amylum by oxidation and properties of native, and also modified Amylum are given. The experimental datas show that in rheological behavior of the processed Amylum pastes at presence at a trace amount of an oxidizer jump is observed. Modifying by an oxidizer leads to strengthening of property of Amylum to connect water.




Sidikov A. S., Rakhmonberdiyev G., Muratov A.

Change of the supermolecular structure of a cotton cellulose in processes of activation processings

Influence of processes of mercerization and the subsequent inklyudation by dimethyl formamide (DMF) of a cotton cellulose on its supermolecular structure, various methods is investigated. It is established that cellulose processing by alkali and the subsequent inklyudation leads to destruction of hydrogen bridges and a loosening of interfibrillar and vnutrifirillyarny structure of cellulose.


Makhmatkulova Z. H., Fedorova N. A., Tashpulatov Yu. T.

Research of physicomechanical properties of the natural silk modified by diazotizating structure in the presence of an ion of Si2 +.

Physicomechanical indexes of the natural silk processed by structure "nitrite — acid — copper salt", allowing to paint fibers without use of dyes are investigated. For comparison of results of the experimental tests of various options of exemplars of natural silk on a number of indexes rank assessment was used. On the received physicomechanical indicators the complex chart which shows level of quality of the threads and fabrics painted by structure without dyes is constructed.


Nizamov T. A., Alimukhamedov M. G., Magrupov F. A.

Development of potting polyurethane foams on the basis of an oligodietilenmaleinatfuranol

Results of researches on development of potting compoundings the zhyoskikh of polyurethane foams on the basis of an oligodietilenmaleinatfuranol are given.


Holikov A. Zh., Akbarov H. I., Tillayev R. S.

Salt corrosion of steel and it protection by igibitor of polymeric type

On the basis of a research of polarizable curves of a steel electrode in the presence of various inhibitors it is shown that gelatin solution at a particular combination with a pirofosfatnatriya possesses to the efficient foreign inhibitors inhibiting action, not conceding used in the industry.


Kim F. O., Ikramov A., Hakimova G. R., Mamatkulov B. K.

Development and research of properties of new inhibitors of salt sedimentations

Reactions of sulfomethylation of a carbamide and Thiocarbamidum are studied. On their basis inhibitors of adjournment of inorganic salts are received.


Tadzhikhodzhayeva U. B., Mirvaliyev 3.3., Dzhalilov A.T., Akbarov H. I.

Anticorrosive compositions with use of oxidate of a toluene of production of caprolactam

The waste-free technology of receiving the new compositions used as the corrosion-resistant coatings and rust inhibitors is developed.


Eshburiyev T. N., Dzhalilov A. T., Kadirov T. D.

Hardening of skin water-soluble polymers on the basis of epichlorohydrin and hexamethylene diamine

Process of interaction of epichlorohydrin with various amino compounds is investigated. It is shown that process of spontaneous polymerization is preceded by Menshutkin's reaction with education the ammoniyevykh of connections. It is established that products of interaction of epichlorohydrin with hexamethylene diamine have the highest tanning properties.




Mansurov Yu. N. Optimization of increase in a capacity factor of non-ferrous metals

Constitution diagrams of multicomponent systems on the basis of aluminum, their poly-and isothermal cuts are submitted. On the basis of definition of area of existence of phases in alloys with the increased impurity level and small additives, studying of parameters of phases and structural components, bases of development of secondary aluminum alloys are offered.


Mansurov Yu. N., Abdusalomov A. A. Heat treatment of thermally not strengthened aluminum alloys

The phase composition and nanostructure of secondary aluminum alloys is studied. An opportunity when aging of thermally not strengthened aluminum alloys containing the increased amount of impurity is experimentally proved.


Hatsdarov  A.A., Solomko N. G., Suleymanova G. Ya. New reagents for flotation of copper and molybdenic ores

Synthesis of a flotation agent on the basis of crotonaldehyde and ethanol in the presence of the catalyst — ammonium muriate is carried out. A source of crotonaldehyde was an industry withdrawal. Positive takes of bench tests in the course of flotation of copper and molybdenic ores allowed to recommend new reagent for the semi-production tests.




Hikmatov D. N. Research of water-absorbing properties of an apricot at a combined method of drying

Water-absorbing properties of an apricot for the purpose of definition of an optimum process conditions of drying at a combined method are investigated.


Namozov A. A. Oziқ — овқат a masulotlarida синтетик a beruvcha rank бўёқ моддаларидан bajza foydalanishn бир uziga хос muammolar

Considering otritsatselny impact on an organism of synthetic dyes, it is offered to limit use of some of them in production of soft drinks.


Chasanova D. T., Tuhtaboyev N. H., Astrov I. R.

Beer ишлаб chiarishda aamiyata achitilarning VA шифобахш beer ишлаб чиқариш

In article questions of use of water as main raw materials in brewing are considered. Chemical compositions of spring waters are studied. Their results are compared with data of waters which are used by the leading producers of beer.