Sultankhodzhayev A. A., Sapayev D. H., Abduzhamilov Sh. R. Role of foreign investments in development of the industry of Uzbekistan
Akhmedov M. H. Development and a research of nanoceramics on the basis of adamant. Part 1. Ways of receiving nanopowders and nanoceramics on the basis of adamant The objective of the present paper is to reveal the technological factors, exerting important influence to properties of alumina nanoceramics. The information concerning some methods of receiving of the alumina based nanopowders and ceramics are generalized in the first part of the article. The influence of the nanopowders preparation process and their consolidation on physical-mechanical properties of the receiving ceramics is studied. The rational ways manufacture of the alumina based nanopowders and ceramics are proposed.
Aripova M. H., Zhumabayeva G. M. Electronic and microscopic research of glasses of system Ñà5(PO4)3F – Mg3(PO4)2 – SiO2 Elektronno-microscopic research of glasses of system Ñà5(PO4)3F – Mg3(PO4)2 – SiO2 has revealed presence liquation processes and has allowed to outline area liquation in system.
Huzhamkulov S., Asamov D. D., Bardin S. V., Mirzakulov H.Ch. Defluorinating of an extraction phosphoric acid sodium salts In this article are given the data on defluorination of wet process phosphoric acid from Central Kyzylkum termical concentrate by sodium sulphate and sodium hydrophosphate. The degree of defluorination is 31-39 %. The low degree of defluorination is connected to the low contents of acid soluble silicon in raw material and that the basic part of fluorine contains in wet process phosphoric acid not as H2SiF6, but as HF which salt it is enough good soluble in wet process phosphoric acid. With the purpose of increasing degree of defluorination it is necessary to cure process of defluorination at presence of acid soluble silicon.
Kudratov A. M., Sharipov Sh. R., Vapayev S. F., Azizov T. A. Adsorbents on the basis of clays of the Nuratinsky field In clause results of reception and research of physical and chemical properties absorbents on the basis of carbonate attapulgate Nurata deposits are resulted.
Olimova M. I., Mukhamedov N. S., Shakhidoyatov H. M. Interaction of a 3-hloratsetilbenzotiazo-lean-2-tiona with aliphatic and heterocyclic amines Reaction of 3-chloroacetylbenzothiazolin-2-thione with aliphatic and heterocyclic amines have been studied and 2-(N,N-dialkylamidomethyl) thiobenzothiazoles have been got, not 3-(N,Ndialkylaminoacetyl) benzothiazolin-2-thiones. It was determined, what is the result of the process reamidiation stead of the reaction nucleophilic substitution with forming of benzothiazolin-2-thione and chloroacetamides, which interact and form products of amidoalkylation.
Togatayev T., Tortbayeva T. R., Bimbetova G. Zh. Interaction of a thiourea with formaldehyde Conducted researches permit to refine the technological process, take into account the quantity formed in the course of thiourea-formaldehyde a solution of methanol preparation, formaldehyde wastage.
Samatova B. A., Yuldashev M. P. Flavonoids Vicia Subvillosa In article happen to given on study of the elevated part Vicia subvillosa (Ledeb) Trautv (the set.Fabaceae). Have Selected new flavon glikozid lyuteolin-4‘-About- -D- ãàëàêòîçèä named by us vissiozid.
Yusupov D., Temkin O. N., Ikramov A., Tangyarikov N. S. Some aspects of selection of catalysts for heterogeneous accession of molecules NH to acetylene Results of research of conditions of selection of catalysts for joining of molecules ÍÕ—ammonia, water, etc. to acetylene are presented.
Ibragimkhodzhayev A. M., Rakhmanberdiyev R. G., Sidikov A. S., Husenov A. Sh. Features of the supermolecular structure of the cellulose received from a girasol (Helianthus tuberosus L) and wood of a poplar In clause results of research of structure of cellulose received of various kinds of raw material (a clap, wood of a poplar and Helianthus tuberosus L) by various physical and chemical methods (sorbseum, electro microscopy, the IR-spectrum, etc.) are described. On the bases of the received results a conclusion about their structural distinction.
Esirkepova M. M. Effective use of ecologically harmless ingredients of domestic production in a rubber industry In article of research the tyre rubbers filled and modified by modifikation epoksiksilstan resin of resulted. Presence of modifirator and organic parts allows to synthesize rubbers with a high complex of physicomechanical parametres.
Makhmatkulova Z. H., Mukhamedgaliyev B. A., Tashpulatov Yu. T. Fire proofness of the modified fiber nitron It has been studied the fireproof data of fiber of nitron, processed with the polymeric antipyrene, which contain in the structure the phosphorus atom. To taken the experimental datas showed, to developed fireproof data of fiber of nitron, processed with the polymeric antipyrene have a high fireproofness properties.
Akhmedov H., Khusanov B. M., Hodzhayev O. F. Enrichment of test of ore of the field of Handiz according to the scheme of collective flotation Common methods of the flotation concentration of concentrates from Handizine are were investigated and corresponding method was selected. Results of spectral and chemical analysis of obtained are cited.
Hudoybergenov U., Abdusalomov A. U., Kambarov Zh. A., Salokhutdinov S.A. Development of an activation technique of definition of platinum and palladium in sulphidic minerals and the production products of Uzbekistan The high-sensitivity technique of definition Ðt and Pd with preliminary concentrating them on elementary tellurium is developed. The tellurium choice is proved by that it is rather badly activated under the influence of neutrons of a nuclear reactor and easily restored from strongly sour solutions under the influence of reducers.
Davranova N. G. Perfecting of technology of prevention of desertification The paper demonstrates the essence of scientific and technical plan of prevention the desert ecosystems from the desertification on the basis of the expection of the prototype theirs steady development.
Aytkulov B. B., Tanashev S. T., Tortbayeva D. R. Research of process of catalytic cracking of the weighted vacuum distillates In the study work of catalyst cracking vàñuum gas oil benzene interval temperature is 440-500 oC and the valisty giving products is 2 h-1 and 4 h-1 micro safari the holding of chane catalyst ÎÀ-250 and they à soft technical setup for à new gas oil kumkolskey benzene îï the setup of catalyst cracking in the. They give us the physical and chemical propities of the product. We ñàn use catalyst and balance of mitral is à process of catalyst cracking.
Lie R. Ch. Installation of amine desulphurization and gas dewatering of regeneration of TsSO on GS Shurtan In the article discussed, unit of amine desulfurization and gas dewatering of ZD regeneration at head works Shurtan.
Zakirov S. G., Muminov A., Karimov K. F. Assessment of power effectiveness of the vapor-compression thermotransformer working in the combined cycle of refrigeration and warmth Is shown the effectivity of the heat-transformator with combined sickly and operating on mixture R22/R1426.
Musabekova L. M., Dostayeva G. E., Umarova R. A. Development of mathematical model of moving concentration fronts of process of a chemosorption with use of a MATCAD package In our work the mathematical model of moving reaction plane under a chemosorption has been carried out. For that model program with using Mathcad software has been developed. The ability of Mathcad software for modeling this process has been shown.
Bakhronov H. Sh., Saidov A. H., Hudayberdiyeva N. Sh. Effektivnost of use of a pseudo-liquefaction for an intensification of heat convection In work results of experimental researches on an intensification convection heat exchange with the help of use of a method fluidization particles of a granular material are resulted. |