Ismatullayev P. R., Choriyev A. A. D. I. Mendeleyev is the founder of the modern metrology
Ruzibayev B. R., Aripova M. H. Diopside the containing sitalla on the basis of natural raw materials of Uzbekistan On the basis of not scarce natural raw materials steklokristallichesky materials with high physical and chemical properties are developed, the microstructure of sitall is investigated.
Rambergenov A. K., Yakubov R. Ya., Erkayev A. U. Influence of technological parameters on blowing-off of ammonia from precipitation columns at supply of low-concentrated kiln gas Researches on influence of technological parameters on blowing-off of ammonia at use of low-concentrated kiln gas are generalized from precipitation columns in the form of the nomogram allowing to determine optimum technological parameters of process of a carbonization.
Mahmayorov I.N., Do'stmurodov Ò., Ataquziev Ò.A. Thement xamiri, qorishmasi va beton aralashmasining issiqlik ishlovi berilgan bentonit tuprog'i bilan qurilish-texnik xossalari Bentonitic additive, wrought at 450 0C, improves structure of a cement stone owing to what durability, frost resistance and a korrozionnostoykost of a cement stone increases, and also water penetration decreases.
Akhmetov D. A., Bisenov K.A., Kasimov I. K. Influence of structural porosity on properties of cellular concretes and methods of its definition The comparative analysis of methods of definition of porosity of cellular concretes from a position of the maximal reliability is carried out
Turabdzhanov S. M., Ikramov A., Tangyarikov N. S., Mukhitdinov B. F., Ruziyev D. U., Yusulov B. D. Catalytic vapor-phase hydration of acetylene Process of vapor-phase hydration of acetylene is studied. It is established that in the presence of compound of Zincum process goes towards formation of acetylene.
Abdullaeva M. T., Narkhodzhayev AH., Adilova M. Sh. Interaction of monoethanol amine with formic acid The method of isomolar series studied system ÍÑÎÎÍ-H2NÑ2Í40Í-Í20, index of refraction, viscosity, density and ðÍ substance environments are measured. It is shown that in solution four complex compounds with a molar ratio of components are formed. [ÍÑÎÎÍ:Í2NÑ2Í4ÎÍ] 6:1; 2:1; 1,5:1; 1:1.
Babayev B. N., Dalimov D. N., Dzhurayev Z. Yu. Mass spectrometer disintegration 2,5-S,S-diizopropil-1,3,4-tiadiazola and 2,5-S, S-áèñ-(0,0-diamilfosfato) - 1,3,4 thiadiazol colors Mass and spectrometer disintegration 2,5-S, S - diisopropyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol color is investigated and 2,5-S, S-bis-(Oh, O-diamilfosfato) - 1,3,4 thiadiazol colors, possible paths of disintegration of connections are presented.
Hakimova H. R., Turabdzhanov S. M., Kadirov H. I. Synthesis of an acetone on the basis of a withdrawal of biochemical production of efiro-aldehydic fraction Synthesis of an acetone on the basis of a withdrawal of biochemical production - efiro-aldehydic fraction is studied. Influence of a design of a reactor, temperature and rate of volume flow on an exit of a main product is defined.
Yunusov H. E., Yuldashev Sh. A., Baltayeva M. M, Rakhmonberdiyev G. R., Sarymsakov A. A., Rashidova S. Sh. Comparative researches of reaction of a carboxymethylation of cellulose and nanotselsholoza Comparative researches of reaction of a carboxymethylation of cotton, microcrystalline and nanodimensional cellulose in heterogeneous conditions are conducted. Are investigated fiziko-chemical properties of the received exemplars of cellulose glicollic acid and dependence between particle size of exemplars of cellulose and their relative reactionary activity is established. It is established that the complete solubility of exemplars of cellulose glicollic acid is reached at values of extents of replacement: for a cotton cellulose - 0,85, microcrystalline cellulose - 0,65 and for nanocellulose - 0,33.
Ostanov U.Yu., Beknazarov H. S., Dzhalilov A. T. Destruktion of the polyethylene stabilized by new derivants of gossypol at inhibited oxidation In work kinetic curve changes of body height of number of gaps and falling of viscosity at inhibited oxidation of PENP are studied. On the basis of the studied experimental datas are established that at presence the oligomernykh of inhibitors is less than speed of a rupture of the C-C communications, than in lack of an inhibitor that oligomerny inhibitors rather well brake a polymer destruction.
Kedelbayev B. Sh., Haydarov M. H., Musabekov A. T. Structure of the modified multicomponent cobalt catalysts and alloys The impact exerted on structure of synthesizable alloys and catalysts modifyings of skeletal cobalt alloys ferrochrome and ferrosilikokhromy is led to increase in activity by kobaltmarganets and kobaltferrosilikokhry catalysts in reaction of a hydrogenation of organic compounds.
Mutaliyeva B. Zh., Madybekova G. M., Aydarov S. B. Application of polymeric compositions for processes of destruction of water-oil emulsions On the basis of a research of colloid chemical properties of water-soluble polymers and their compositions with surface-active substances use of polymeric compositions as emulsion breakers of oil emulsions is possible.
Mansurov Yu. N. Foundry properties of secondary foundry aluminum alloys Results of studying of foundry properties of aluminum alloys from scrap and a wastage, and also dependence of these properties on composition of alloys are presented in article. It is shown that the level of foundry properties of secondary alloys is quite comparable to the level of similar properties of primary alloys.
Akhmedov of X., Khusanov B. M., Hodzhayev O. F. Research of an obogatimost and gidrometallurgiche-Skye processing of concentrates of ore of the field of Handiz Results of receiving the concentrate containing copper, lead, Zincum, etc. are given. The collective concentrate is offered to be processed solution of hydrogen nitrate and the subsequent its regeneration and nitrous gases. At acid decomposition of a collective concentrate the ground mass of copper and Zincum passes into solution. Further extraction of non-ferrous metals is carried out according to the existing hydrometallurgical scheme. From the insoluble rest flotation receive a lead product.
Hudayberganov U., Tadzhibayev D. Yu. Extraction of rhenium from molybdenum hydrometallurgy effluent Results of separation of rhenium from a molybdenum and other impurity from overflow solutions of hydrometallurgy of a molybdenum are given. As precipitant of a molybdenum 7% solution of a lime is applied. The deposit is separated, the filtrate is acidified to ðÍ =1 and rhenium is concentrated on MP-62 anionite. Rhenium is denuded 25% solution of ammonia. The strippant is boiled out before loss of crystal salt of rhenium.
Hayrapetyan L.R. Gas conditioning to transport by method of the absorptive drying The technology of gas conditioning to transport by method of the absorptive drying is presented in article.
Musabekova L. M. Numerical research of influence of constants of speeds of reactions to a vibration amplitude of concentration of components of autowave processes Influence of constants of speeds of reactions to a vibration amplitude of concentration of reagents of autowave processes in nonisothermal reactionary and diffusion systems in proton tubular reactors is investigated.
Bakhronov H. Sh. Speed of the beginning of a liquid pseudo-liquefaction in devices of small diameter The interpolation equation for calculation of speed of the beginning of a pseudo-liquefaction in the constrained conditions received proceeding from equality of a gradient of resistance in a layer of granular material to weight by volume that is the main condition of transition of the fixed bed of granular material to a fluidized state is given in article.
Bazarov Zh.T., Abdurakhimov S.A., Bazarov G.R. The comparative analysis of quality indicators of the cotton soap stocks received by oil refining and its micelles Results of the comparative analysis of quality indicators of the cotton soap stocks received by oil refining by an emulsion method and in a micelle are presented. It is established that evaporation, i.e. concentrating of the cotton soap stocks received by oil refining by an emulsion method and in a micelle moleno to receive raw materials with the close quality indicators.
Karimkulov Ê.Ì., Abduraxmanova O.J., Ilxamdjanov P. Margarin va sariyog’ maxsulotlarning tarkibi va tuzilishini tadqiq etish It is established that the studied exemplars of products of margarine contain different types of fatty acids. The structure and the quantitative ratios of fatty acids are defined by IK-spectroscopical and GZhH of analyses. |