Seytnazarov A. R., Mirzakulov H. Ch., Namazov Sh. S., Beglov B. M. Processing of phosphorites of the central kyzylkum of various type by means of the ammoniated extraction phosphoric acid from phosphorites of Karatau In work the possibility of receiving high-quality phosphorus-containing fertilizer by processing of a thermoconcentrate, the washed concentrate, chemically enriched concentrate and pulverous fraction from phosphorites Central Kyzylkumov by means of the ammoniated extraction phosphoric acid from phosphorites of Karatau is shown.
Alimdzhanova D. I., Ismatov A. A., Yusupova M. N., Ganiyeva M. M. Development of structure of mass of economic porcelain on the basis of Baynaksaysky raw materials and studying of their properties On the basis of studying of keramiko-technological and physicomechanical properties of the masses which is not burned and burned at various temperatures structures of two optimum mass of M-12 and M-23 with contents in them a porcelain stone quartz-seritsitovogo of structure-45 of % and a porcelain stone quartz - pyrophyllitic structure of 40% are established. As the plasticized component in the developed masses bentonitic clay in number of 5 - 1% is used.
Atakuziyev E. T. Physical and chemical processes proceeding when roasting raw stocks the alitosulfoalyuminatnykh of cements on a basis the alunitovykh of ores and their properties when concreting Results of researches of chemical and mineralogical composition of clinkers when roasting are given the alitosulfoalyuminatnykh calcareous алунитовых furnace charges by various physical and chemical methods.
Mirzakulov H. Ch. Solubility in the systems Ca3(P04) 2-(NH4),S04-H20, Ca3(P04) 2-NH4N03-H20 and Ca3(P04) 2-NH4Cl-H20 at 25 and 50 °C The isothermal method of solubility studied phase equilibrium in threefold water salt systems of Ca3(P04)2-(NH4),S04-H20, Ca3(P04)2-NH4N03-H20 and Ca3(P04)2-NH4Cl-H20 at 25 and 50 °C. It is defined that ammoniyny salts increase solubility of tricalcium phosphate in water. New chemical combinations in systems are not revealed.
Kedelbayev B. Sh. Research of physical and chemical properties of the modified nickel catalysts of synthesis of benzene and glycols Influence of additives of ferrostav on phase, distribution of sizes and a cellular structure of nickel catalysts is investigated.
Kadirova Sh. A. A spectroscopical research of complexes From (N), Ni(II) and Cu(II) with derivants of 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazol IK - and the PMR-spektroskopichesky research of ligands 2-amino-(au oxyphenylene) - 5 - phenyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol color (L1) C15H11N3OS and 2-amiio-(o oxyphenylene) - 5-(m - nitro - phenyl) - 1,3,4 thiadiazol colors (L2) is carried out and 2-амиио-(о-оксифенилен)- 5-(м-нитро-фенил)- 1,3,4-тиадиазола (L2) С15Н10N403S. Calculation of reactivity of the donor centers in a heterocyclic ligand is carried out by the semiempirical quantum and chemical MNDO method. Complexes of Co (II), Ni (II) and SI (II) chlorides on the basis of new ligands are studied by an IK-spectroscopy method, and also the research of electronic ranges of a diffuse reflection of the synthesized coordination compounds is conducted.
Maksumova A. S. Manufacturing techniques of ring-shaped macronetwork plasts The vacuum forming method, developed the high performance macroporous ring-shaped plasts differing in a developed specific surface area. Influence of various modifying reagents on properties of polymeric composition is established. The flow diagram of receiving ring-shaped plasts is developed for chemical industry and their running characteristics are defined.
Tadzhikhodzhayev Z. A., Dzhalilov A. T. Influence of a wastage of tsellyulozosoderzhashchy raw materials on physical and chemical and mechanical characteristics of ion-exchange composites The given researches show that addition of a structure-forming component - sawdust in the course of synthesis of cation-exchange resin leads to increase in volume of a time of cation exchanger, and also promotes formation of particular structure at which internal volumes of a particle of cation exchanger become accessible to molecules when determining OE.
Ismailov R. I., Makhmudova E. A., Tashpulatov Yu. T. Research of some properties of the modified diacetate cellulose fibers Results of a combination of thermodynamics of a research of modification of a diaiyetat of cellulose with polymeric salt on the basis of monoiodoacetic N,N-acid dimethylaminoaethylium methacrylate are given. Raschitanna the quantitative parameters Scott - Patterson.
Pazayev H. M., Akmalova G. Yu., Rakhmanberdiyev G. R. Otshcheplyaemost of medicinal preparations from cellulose By accession to the oxidized cellulose (dialdehyde cellulose and monocarboxycellulose) various communications of a turbazid, investigated influence of durability of a chemical bond on an otshchetyaemost of medicinal substance from cellulose in the model environment of solution of Ringer.
Maksumova A. S. Spontaneous polymerizations of N, N-dimetilaminoetilmetakrilata Spontaneous polymerization of N, ethylmethacrylate N-dimetilamino-with allyl bromide at low temperatures is investigated 293-323K in the environment of organic solvents. By the IK methods - to the PMR-spectroscopy and results of kinetic researches it is proved that the limiting stage of spontaneous polymerization between the specified reagents is reaction of a kvaternization, and the termination products on structure completely correspond to polyquarternary salt.
Yulchiyeva S. B., Mukhamedbayev Z. A., Aripova B. H. Composite on the basis of furano-phenolic resins and mineral fillers In this work porfiritovy putty with new liquidly glass binding and receiving on its basis of materials for the corrosion-preventive protection of metal capacities is developed. Introduction of modifiers regulates a kinetics of hardening of putty and improves its technical properties.
Abdumavlyanova M. K. Development of methods of receiving and use of polymers on the basis of derivants of bromic propargyl In work the available way of receiving the ammoniyevykh of polymers with a conjugated system of bonds is offered, at interaction of galogenpropargil with amino compounds, and also studying of the main regularities of polymerization and an interpolymerization, practical aspects of use of the polymers received the ammoniyevykh for cotton upgrading are shown.
Azizov O. T., Ismatov D. N., Sharipov H. T. Complex compounds of an oleate of nickel (II) with some Amidums PP of acids Results of synthesis and research of an oleate of nickel with the biologically fissile Amidums PP, in particular atsetamidy (AA), a carbamide (K), Thiocarbamidum (shopping mall) and Nicotinamidum (ANC) are given. Complex compounds are synthesized mekhano - a chemical way. Their structure, identity, ways of coordination of Amidums PP and thermal behavior are established.
Shadmanov K. K., Dusmatov H. M., Akbarov A. B. The homogeneous and smeshannoligandny L-metioninsulfoksida complexes and vitamin U with divalent ions With, Ni, the SI and Zn The IK methods - and an electronic spectroscopy studied the homogeneous and smeshannoligandny inner-complex compounds So2+, Ni2+, Si2+ and Zn + with L-metioiinsuljfoksidy and vitamin U. On the basis of the received results ways of coordination of ligands and a configuration of the studied complexes are established.
Kozbagarova G. A., Dzhusipbekov U. Zh., Mussina A. S., Nurguatova B. A. Inversion voltamperometriya of thallium and lead on a mercury and sheet electrode Results of voltammetric definition of thallium and lead are given in a mercury thin-film electrode on a molybdenic substrate
Yakubov M. M. Comparative assessment of effectiveness of various materials at restitution of a magnetite in a slag melt The magnetite is an obligatory component of all fluid products of melting at a pyrometallurgical way of production of copper. Being dissolved in matte and slag, it significantly worsens their physical and chemical properties and exerts negative impact on their further processing. Restitution of a magnetite from these melts can improve significantly technical and economic indicators of production of copper in general. Are brought comparative assessment of effectiveness of various materials at restitution of the magnetite which is in a slag melt.
Sharafutdinov U. Z., Ismailov N. P. Studying of the mechanism of a sorption of gold and silver on absorbites Results of use of the equilibrium and kinetic analysis and adequacy for diffusion models in which model sizes of thermodynamic and kinetic constants were revealed are given.
Yusupkhodzhayev A. A. About the mechanism of interaction of metallurgical slag melts with refractories In article topical issues of interaction of aggressive metallurgical melts with solid refractories are considered. As a result of such interaction refractories wear out that leads to reduction of a campaign of the furnace. Questions of interaction of slag melts with refractories of various structures and properties are considered.
Mutalov Sh. A., Tursunov T., Nazirova R. A., Mukhamedova M. A. Molybdenum sorption research polycondensation anionites The research of a sorption of ions of a molybdenum aniotiny FBG, was conducted depending on an ionic form of an anionite, рН Wednesdays, by presence of the competing ions, etc. For comparison used the production anionite of AH-2F recommended for extraction of a molybdenum from the production solutions and FA-S anionite, the selection to molybdenum ions, Results of researches showed that the anionite of FBG occludes copper ions in the form of complex compounds from subacidic solutions (рН =3.5ch 4.0) at the same time sorptive capacity makes 1,8ch 2,78 mg-ekv/of. Molybdenum ions under identical conditions it is much quicker occluded by FBG anionite in comparison with anionites of AH-2F and FA-S at which the size of a diffusion coefficient is much lower.
Komutbayeva G. A., Mussina A. S., Zakirov B. S., Markonrsnkov Yu. A. Anode behavior of gold and lead on a carbon fiber electrode in the WILLOW method Influence of a matrix on anode processes of gold in the presence of lead is studied. It is established that ions of lead have the accelerating effect on anode process of oxidation of gold that can be used for sensitization of definition of this metal by the WILLOW method.
Mansurov Yu. N. To a question of a microdoping of foundry aluminum alloys the transitional metals The possibilities of a razraootka of new group foundry are considered having alloyed on the basis of aluminum, alloyed by exclusively transitional metals. On the example of a research of stav on the basis of Ni % Al-6 composition with Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Zr, Mo and Hf additives it is shown that stava of this group are capable to provide higher values of thermal stability, mechanical characteristics at ambient temperature and foundry characteristics in comparison with reference alloys at rather economical doping. The most perspective is the Al-Ni-Zr system.
Babayev N. H. Optimization of roasting of a cement clinker in the rotating furnaces and economy of energy resources Questions of economy toplivno — energy resources in a hot part of the furnace and their influence on the common heat consumption are considered. Ways of optimization of process of roasting of a cement clinker in the rotating furnace and a way of decrease in a specific consumption of heat on clinker roasting are offered.
Isabayev I. B. Condition and problems of the production technology of the modified food fats Two phasic hydrogenation of cottonseed oil with nikel-med-vanady-rhodium — the germany-aluminum catalyst at the first stage are carried out; on the second — with nikel-copper-vanadium-rhodium-rhenium-aluminum contact. The received results show that with increase in a feed rate of oil not limitation degree which is characterized by change of iodic number of a hydrogenate increases and with increase in pressure of hydrogen the iodic number decreases.
Zakirova M. R., Chasanoff H. T. Enzymatic deprotenization of starch The possibility of use of proteolytic enzymes for purification of starch of proteins is studied. It is established that neutral proteinases in comparison with sour proteinase were 2-3 times more effective. It is shown that in aqueous-alcoholic environments the speed of hydrolysis of proteins and degree of purity of the received starch is higher in comparison with control. |