Ïîäïèñü: 4/2009



Ashurov M. H., Uskenbayev of E., Samadov A. U.

Synthesis of cubic silicon carbide from silicic minerals of Uzbekistan by method of direct high-pitched fusion in a cold container

Synthesis of cubic silicon carbide from silicic minerals (quartzite and vein quartz) by method of a cold container with induction heating is carried out. Influences of a design of a container and structure the karbidoobrazuyushchikh of carboniferous components on technological process of formation of silicon carbide are studied.


Amandikov M. A., Amanov R. U.

Optical properties of some fluorinated bornolantanovykh of glasses

New glasses like superheavy crowns are received. Their physical and chemical properties are studied.


Yunusov M. Yu., Babayev Z. K., Hakimova G. N.

Mahalliy va ikkilamchi xom ashye asosida emallarni hosil qilish

Compositions of glass enamel steady against influence of severe chemical atmosphere on the basis of the "Silicon Dioxide-field Spar Drill" system are developed and secondary raw materials as the protective coating of a surface became.


Alimov U. K., Reymov A.M., Namazov Sh. S. Unary phosphoric fertilizers on the basis of the Kyzyl Kum phosphorites and a phosphorus-acids-plaster pulp with additive of a sour drain of production of EFK

In article process of receiving unary concentrated phosphoric fertilizers on the basis of different types of nonenriched Kyzyl Kum phosphorites and a phosphorus-acids-plaster pulp with additive of a sour drain of production of EFK is studied. Addition of a sour drain increases abundance of usvoyaemy phosphorus in a finished stock, at the same time improving physical and chemical and commodity properties of fertilizer.


Allamuratova A. Zh., Erkayev A. U., Toirov Z. K.

Phosphoconcentrate from an ordinary fosmuka Central Kyzylkumov

It is established that when processing low-grade phosphorites the circulating solutions with Nammuam ratio: Nnump. 0,2-0,8, in a concentrate value of the calcium module decreases on 0,18-0,56 and 20-50% the solutions of nitrocalcite and an ammonium containing 2-4% of P2O5 which can be used as fluid nitrogen-calcium fertilizers are formed


Volynskova N. V., Gardens B.B., Mirzakulov H. Ch. Issledovaniye of a kinetics of process of decomposition of phosphorites Central Kyzylkumov mix of sulfuric and phosphoric acids

The kinetics of process of decomposition of phosphorites Central Kyzylkum by sulfuric acid in the presence of a phosphoric acid in relation to process of receiving an extraction phosphoric acid is studied. Activation energy of vitriolic decomposition of ground phosphate Central Kyzylkum makes 84,4 kJ, and washed dried and washed burned phosphoritic concentrates Central Kyzylkum - 75,0 kJ. Phosphorites Central Kyzylkum fall into to very reactionary type of phosphatic raw materials, and activation energy of their vitriolic decomposition does not change at their heat treatment.




Abdullaeva M. T., Narkhodzhayev A. H.

Interaction of a carbamide with mono - and monoethanol amine diacetate

By method of isomolar series studied system carbamide-mono-acetate - monoethanol-amine-water, a monoethanol amine-water carbamide diacetate, measured viscosity, density, index of refraction and ðÍ habitat. It is shown that in solution one complex compound with a molar ratio of components a carbamide is formed: acetic acid: monoethanol amine, equal 1:1:1. In a solid look connection is allocated CO(NH3)2·CH3C00HNH2C2H40H also are identified chemical, IK-spectroscopical, X-ray phase and thermogravimetric by analysis methods. Karbamidomonoatsetat monoethanol amine is individual substance with melting point of 143 °C.


Yunuskhodzha Y.T., Kasymova S. S.

Synthesis and research of properties of some complexes of derivants of benzimidazole

Complex salts of derivants of benzimidazole are synthesized, their structure and stability are defined and also it is studied possibilities of increase in thermooxidative stability of polyvinylchloride with use of complex salts of derivants of benzimidazole.


Abdireymov K. B., Mukhamedov II.C., Ayymbetov M. Zh., Shakhidoyatov H. M.

Interaction of 2 N (methyl, Aethylium, propyl) of benzimidazoles with p-toluene sulphochloride

Sulfonation 2H (methyl, Aethylium, a propyl) benzimidazoles ï-is for the first time studied by toluene sulphochloride. It is shown that reaction goes on N-1 atom.


Shukurov Zh. S., Ishankhodzhayev S. S., Askarova M. K., Tukhtayev S. Rastvorimost of components in a system [99,65% NaCL03 2CO(NH2)2 + 0,35%NH2C2H4OHCH3COOH] - C4H10NO3PS - H20

Solubility of components in system is studied [99,65 % NaCl03-2C0(NH2)2 + 0,35 % NH2C2H40H·ÑÍ3ÑÎÎÍ] - C4H10N03PS - Í20 by visual and polythermal method in a wide interval of temperatures and concentration. On the phase diagram fields of a crystallization of ice, a carbamide, dicarboamidochlorate of sodium and N - acetamido - 0,S - dimethylthiophosphate are differentiated. The possibility of receiving a fluid defoliant with insecticidal activity follows from results of the studied system.


Hakimova G. R., Turobzhonov S. M., Kadirov X. I., Yusupov D.

The production technology of an acetone from radio and aldehydic fraction

The pollution-free production technology of an acetone on the basis of efiro-aldehydic fraction is created. Optimum conditions are studied, and also the new structure of the catalyst of production of an acetone is offered.


Musabekov A.T., Ikramov A., Kedelbayev B. Sh., Rakhmanberdiyev G. R.

Influence of technological parameters on a kinetics and mechanism of hydrogenation of a toluene

Hydrogenation of a toluene in methyl cyclohexane on skeletal cobalt catalysts with additives of ferroalloys at various temperatures and pressure is investigated.


Pulatova L. T. Comparative analysis of interrelation of chemical structure and biological activity of antibiotics

Results on studying of mechanisms of effect of antibacterial medicines, falling into class of macroleads, r-lactams and aminoglycosides are discussed. Systematization of data on interrelation of chemical structure of a molecule and biological activity of antibiotics is carried out.




Turobzhonov S.M., Yusupov D., Urolova N. K., Tangyarikov N. S., Ikramov A.

Co-condensation of urea (thiourea) with furfurol and formaldehyde

Ionites by a co-condensation of urea (thiourea) aldehydes in the presence of catalytic quantities of an orthophosphoric acid are received. Ionites at a sorption of ions are tested gold, silver and copper from solutions.


Ariddzhanov O., Nurullayev Sh. Comparison of chemical properties and structure of amines, triazines and nitrogen-containing water-soluble polymer

On the basis of the IK-spectroscopical research of exemplars of nitrogen-containing water-soluble polymer structural fragments of a triazinovy and oksazolidiny ring, and also the linear, presumably polymeric polycondensates are revealed. The ratio the triazinovykh and the oksazolidinovykh of components in AVP reagent depends on a ratio initial a proforma and MEA.


Tursunov T. T. Phosphorylation of polymer on the basis of furfurol and benzyl bromide

The kinetics of reaction of phosphorylation bromic benzilic ôóðôóðîëúíîãî polymer for the purpose of receiving a phosphorus-containing ionite is studied. It is established that in process of increase in extent of transformation influence of internal diffusion on reaction rate of phosphorylation increases.


Ibragimkhodzhayev A. M., Muradov M. M., Kadirov O. Sh., Rakhmanberdiyev G. R.

Influence of process of prematuring of cellulose of a girasol on its fractional composition

Dependences of the degree of polymerization (DP) and contents are investigated α-, β- and γ- cellulose in various exemplars of cellulose from cellulose glicollic acid prematuring process duration. It is established that with increase in duration of process of prematuring, it is not dependent on a type of cellulose, contents - cellulose and the joint ventures decrease.


Inagamov S. Ya., Mukhamedov G. I. The technological mode and the characteristic of polycomplex composites on the basis of sodium-carboxymethyl cellulose

The technological modes and characteristics of polycomplex composites on the basis of sodium-carboxymethyl cellulose with ureaformaldehyde oligomers are set.


Karpushkin S. I., Dzhalilov A. T., Barkhanadzhyan A. L.

Influence of component composition of depressor additives on the low-temperature properties of solar oils

The possibility of decrease in set point of solar oil by means of the depressor additives synthesized on the basis of a wastage of chemical productions is shown. Solubility and depressor effectiveness of additives depending on a ratio of their components is studied.


Nabiyev A. B., Abdurakhimov S.A. Classification of local naphthas from a position of their flowability

Classification of local naphthas on the basis of their flowability which provides group is offered: high-gravity oils with a density from 830 to 870 kg/m3 and with contents no more than 5% of paraffin; high-viscosity naphthas with a density over 870 kg/m3 and the paraffinic naphthas which are containing more than 5% of paraffin and having set point from +5 to +35 °C


Ikhtiyarova G. A. Indexes of quality of the press of the mixed composition from bentonitic clay and synthetic thickeners for fabric stuffing

The possibility of use of the mixed composition thickening material containing is defined: GIPAN, PAA and bentonite. The technology of printing of a cotton the fissile dyes allowing to reduce the content of urea as a part of printing dyes with preservation of indexes of quality of the press is developed.


Nabiyev A. N., Fozilov C. F., Eriyev O. M., Karimov D. A, Niyozov L. N.

IK and nuclear magnetic resonance a spectroscopy the interpolimernykh of complexes of polianilin with polyacids

The experimental datas of IK and nuclear magnetic resonance of a spectroscopy the interpolimernykh of exemplars of polianilin with the poly(acrylic acid) are studied. Data of nuclear magnetic resonance of a spectroscopy open a substance of process of a dopirovaniye of polianilin mineral and polyacids.




Yulchiyev A. B., Abdurakhimov S.A., Serkayev K. P.

Influence of processing of a cotton myatka of the microwave oven radiation on structure of alburnum

It is experimentally proved that when using the microwave oven duration of process and content of the free gossypol in alburnum are twice reduced, and also porosity of the received structure approximately by 1,4 — 1,6 times increases.


Abdurakhimova D. S., Turayev A. S., Tursunov M. T.

Otsenk of effectiveness of alkaline refining the cotton oils hydrated at the microwave oven radiation

Advantages of alkaline refining hydrated microwave ovens – the radiation of the cotton oils received press and extraction by ways, not hydrated oils are shown.