Bardin S. V., Giniyatullina R. I., Mirzakulov H. Ch. Studying of process of decomposition of ground phosphate of Tashkur mix nitric and extraction phosphoric acids The structure of the phases which are formed at nitrogen-and nitrogen-phosphorus - acid decomposition of ground phosphate of Tashkur in relation to process of receiving complex nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer is studied, rheological behavior of the acid extract and a condition of office of the insoluble rest which is not clarified and clarified azotno (phosphorus) are defined by settling and a centrifugation.
Kalanov G. U., Bardin S. V., Mirzakulov H.CH., Volynskova N. V., Sadykov B. B. NPK fertilizers on the basis of fosfori Central Kyzylkum and chloride of calcium of the Tyubegatan field Process of receiving complex NPK fertilizers (a nitrofoska and a nitroammofoska) on the basis of hydrogen nitrate, an extraction phosphoric acid from the washed burned concentrate of phosphorites of Tashkur, nonenriched ground phosphate of Tashkur, ammonia is studied. The received fertilizers are characterized by the high content of nutrients and completely conforms to requirements imposed by the industry and agriculture to mineral fertilizers.
Elmuradov B. Zh., Vdovin A. D., Shakhidoyatov H. M. Nucleophilic substitution of atom of chlorine α-hlor-метилиден - 2,3 - триметилен - 3,4 - dihydroquinazoline - 4 - it under the influence of Piperazinums By reaction and - hydro - a methylene - 2,3 - three - a methylene - 3,4 - dihydroquinazoline - 4 - it with thionyl chloride in various conditions are synthesized a-hlormetiliden-2,3-trimetilen-3,4-dihydroquinazoline - 4 - it or its hydrochloride. Nucleophilic substitution of atom of chlorine with N-the monoreplaced Piperazinums in the presence of hydrosoda gives to corresponding α-to (4 '-replaced - - piperazinit) metiliden-2,3-trimetilen-3,4-digidrokhinazoliya - 4-it.
Takhirov Yu. R., Dushamov D. A., Mukhamedov N. S., Shakhidoyatov H. M. Acylation petrolthiazolin-2-onov acid chlorides of aromatic acids with use of trace amounts of six-water ferric chloride It is established that reactions in lack of solvent proceed at lower temperature and with a larger exit β-aroylpetrolthiazolin-2-onov which depends on degree of a nukleofiljnost beizotiazolin-2-onov. Optimum conditions of reaction of an acylation are revealed and the border of application of a trace amount of six-water ferric chloride is defined. Also the number of the relative activity of the 4-replaced benzoyl chlorides depending on degree of an elektrofilnost of the acylating agents is found.
Havdarov M. H., Turabdzhanov S. T., Kedelbayev B. Sh. Influence of the nature of carriers and solvents on activity of the put palladic catalysts at benzene carboxylic acid hydrogenation Catalytic hydrogenation of benzene carboxylic acid for 5% of Pd the catalyst in the presence of carriers (oxides of Zincum, a magnesium, a titanium) is studied The greatest activity the catalyst showed 5% of Pd/TiO2. Influence of the nature of solvent (N-buganol, isopropanol, cyclohexane and water) on activity of the put palladic catalysts is investigated. It is established that optimum solvents are aliphatic alcohols of N butanol and isopropanol.
Bakhriddinova N. M., Isabayev I. B. The substitutes of synthetic fats received on the basis of fatty acids of cotton soap stock Ways of receiving substitutes of synthetic fats on the basis of separate fractions of fatty acids of cotton soap stock by their etherification with methanol and ethylen glycol are offered.
Bashorov M. T., Kozlov G. V., Dzhalilov A. T., Mikitayev A. K., Turayev E. Polymers as natural nanocomposites: geometry of intercomponent interactions Within cluster model of structure of an amorphous condition of polymers the interpretation of amorphous polymers as natural nanocomposites is offered. It is shown that adhesion nanoclusters (nanoexcipient) - the rykhloupakovanny matrix is implemented on a cylindrical surface of nanoclusters. The relation of face and cylindrical surfaces of the last defines their type of interactions with a rykhloupakovanny matrix and extent of strengthening of natural nanocomposites.
Kiyaev D. I., Akmalova G. Yu., Rakhmanberdiyev G. R. Intermolecular hydrogen bridges in partially replaced acetate celluloses In work formation of intermolecular hydrogen bridges in the acetate celluloses received homogeneous and heterogeneous in the ways is analyzed, to Methods of an IK-spectroscopy average energy of hydrogen bridges in partially replaced acetate celluloses is defined.
Niyozov E. D., Sharipov M. S., Mardonov C. E., Yoriyev O. M. Receiving karboksimetilirovanny derivativ Amylum Influence of conditions of carrying out a carboxymethylation and ratio of reagents on process of modification of Amylum is studied.
Akhmedzhonov D. G., Hafizes M. M. Influence of ureaformaldehyde pitch on formation of a porous membrane from an interpolimerny complex Some characteristics of membranes from IPK are provided. For assessment of character and size of possible changes of a cellular structure of membranes, structural parameters were studied (е/1, N/l, ȓ) depending on pressure. Also the device from IPM used to a dropwise irrigation of a cotton, providing water economy is offered.
Hudanov U. O., Akhundzhaiova Sh. A., Toshev A. Yu., Kadirov T. Zh. Influence of acid influence at extraction of glue from kollagensoderzhashchy raw materials Influence of organic and mineral acids at extraction of glue from kollagensoderzhashchy raw materials is investigated. It is shown that raw materials processing by organic acids in comparison with inorganic allows to increase a glue exit much more.
Inagamov S. Ya., Mukhamedov G. I. Development of technology of receiving polycomplex composites on the basis of sodium-carboxymethyl cellulose with ureaformaldehyde oligomers The technology is developed and technological parameters of receiving polycomplex composites on the basis of sodium-carboxymethyl cellulose with ureaformaldehyde oligomers are determined.
Anorov R. A. Selection efficient surfactant for regeneration of waste adsorbents Selection efficient surfactant for regeneration of the waste adsorbents of oil-processing industry containing mineral oils or paraffin is carried out. It is established that surfactant for their regeneration is the most efficient MT of PAV-3 received by condensation of fatty acids of cotton soap stock with alkaline reagents and additives.
Safarov B. Zh., Hayitov P.P., Muradov M. N. Sostav and properties of the pitches which are contained in naphtha of fields of Uzbekistan Various methods and ways of definitions of structure and chemical properties of the pitches which are contained in petroleum crude of various fields are given.
Aliyev B. A., Karimov K. F., Mavlanov E. T. Mekhanizm of film condensation of steam-gaseous mixes with a solid phase on pipes with ring flutes On the basis of synthesis of test data and the theoretical analysis the physical analog of process opening the heat exchange intensification mechanism at condensation of multicomponent steam-gaseous mixtures on pipes with discretely located ring flutes is developed.
Rakhmonov O.K. An intensification of process of the adsorption purification of paraffin with a contact way with imposing of ultrasound The way of an intensification of process of the adsorption purification of paraffin with a contact way and imposing of ultrasonic influence is offered with a frequency of 21-24 kHz within 480-600 seconds.
Habibov F. Yu., Dzhurayev H. F., Abdurakhmonov O. R. Intensifikation of process of drying of agricultural products by the combined energy supply method Application of acoustic influence gives the chance to intensify drying process, to reduce duration, to increase efficiency of the device, to lower a metabolic cost.
Nabiyev A. B., Abdurakhimov S.A. Rheological features of the transported compositions from local oil fields Rheological features (dynamic stress of shift and dynamic viscosity) of the transported compositions of naphtha of local fields and the deviations in the izmoryonnykh sizes allowed due to presence at them of 5-10% of water and 5 - 15% of gas condensate are considered.
Mamadaliyeva S. V., Abdurakhimov S.A. Influence of the size of granules of an adsorbent on indicators of the purified paraffin Influence of the size of granules and height of an adsorbent bed on quality indicators of the purified paraffin is considered. Dependence of change of indexes of paraffin on the speed of their giving is given to a column and from the size of granules.
Nabiyev A. N., Karimova D. A., Yoriyev O. M., Niyozov L.N., Mukhsinova M. I. About use the interpolimernykh of polianilin for disinfecting of the production sewage and off-gases Optimum conditions of technological process of application the interpolimernykh of materials of the polianilin for a sewage disposal supporting KCN, ions of heavy and noble metals and off-gases of the enterprises containing are defined HF, HCl, N02, S02.
Ulchenko P. L., Chernenko T. V., Ayeilbekova D. T., Yuddasheva N. K., Gazizov F. Yu., Glushenkova A. I. Receiving oil from the sea-buckthorn growing in Uzbekistan Three ways of receiving oil from sea-buckthorn fruits are developed: from the frozen fruits with office of juice both without it and from dried up. It is shown that oil of petrol extract of a constrictor contains 115.5 mg of % of carotenoids. The constrictor is formed after selection of oil of fruits, when using as extragent of sunflower-seed oil. When processing of the frozen fruits with office of juice, except oil, receive vodno - the spirtovy extract with the content of nonvolatile solids of 6.0-8.0% demanded in production of shampoos.
Rysbayeva G. S., Kedelbayev B. Sh., Rakhmanberdiyev G. R., Prikhodko N. A. Influence of the nature and concentration of acids on effectiveness of process of hydrolysis of polysaccharides of a beer pellet Influence of the nature and concentration of six acids on effectiveness of process of hydrolysis of polysaccharides of a beer pellet is investigated. It is shown that acids with high activity cause partial decomposition of monosaccharides to anhydrides during hydrolysis that reduces a xylose exit. As the heterogeneous catalyst — a source of hydroxonium ions — for hydrolysis of hemicelluloses of a beer pellet the phosphoric acid is chosen and paths of optimization of process in general are analysed. |