Userbayeva D., Toirov Z. K., Erkayev A. U., Kaipbergenov A. T. Obessulfachivaniye and defecation of an extraction phosphoric acid The conducted researches on cleaning of the extraction phosphoric acid received from a thermoconcentrate of phosphorites Central Kyzylkumov showed that optimum conditions of an obessulfachivaniye are: norm of phosphorite — 90-95 °C: temperature — 60-70 °C and duration of process — 0,5-1 hour. At neutralization the almost complete purification of acid of impurity happens ammonia of a phosphoric acid to ðÍ — 5,5.
Erkayev A. U., Ibragimov K. G., Toirov Z. K., Yakubov R. Ya. Conditioning nitro-calcium-phosphatic fertilizer inorganic additives The surface of granules nitro-calcium-phosphatic fertilizer is sprayed by 93% sulfuric acid and further is neutralized by gaseous ammonia. At the same time 60-80% of sulfate of an ammonium are formed on a surface of granules, and the class of hygroscopicity of granules of fertilizer changes from very strongly hygroscopic in strongly hygroscopic.
Sharipova H. T., Yastrebova I. V., Koshchanova B. T., Erkayeva N. A. Research of process of receiving bicarbonate of an ammonium As a result of the researches no of a carbonization of ammonia liquor by a carbon dioxide it was established that in the course of an ammonia solution carbonization optimum conditions are: concentration of ammonia no more than 20%, temperature 20 oC, ðÍ 9.
Volynskova N. V., Mirzakulov H. Ch. Research of a kinetics of process of decomposition of phosphorites Central Kyzylkumov mix of sulfuric and phosphoric acids Activation energy of vitriolic decomposition of ground phosphate Central Kyzylkumov makes 84,4 kJ, and washed dried and washed burned phosphoritic concentrates Central Kyzylkum — 75,0 kJ. Phosphorites Central Kyzylkumov fall into to very reactionary type of phosphatic raw materials, and activation energy of their vitriolic decomposition does not change at their heat treatment.
Halmuminov S.A., Mirzakulov H. Ch., Huzhamkulov S.Z. Receiving fluid nitrogen-calcium fertilizers from a wastage the nitrogen-tuk of productions Process of nitrogen-acid decomposition of the kaljtsy-containing wastage the nitrogen-tuk of productions for the purpose of receiving fluid nitrogen-calcium fertilizers is investigated. Optimum technological parameters are set. At the same time fluid nitrogen-calcium fertilizer with the content of the common nitrogen of 26-30% and 10-15% of usvoyaemy calcium is received.
Yokubov U. A., Atakuziyev T. A., Talipov N. H. Influence of the increased quantity of chlorine-containing slimes as microexcipient on processes of concreting and property of a portlandtsement The possibility of use of solid waste of soda production (to 30%) together with distillerny liquid in production of a portlandtsement as concreting intensifier is shown. Structural and technical properties of portland cement are as a result improved, physicomechanical properties against control for 29-36,2% are increased.
Hakimova Z. M., Mukarramov N. I., Shakhidoyatov H. M. Synthesis and bromination of N-bromsuktsinimidom 2,3-pentamethylene-3,4-digidrokhinazolpn gidro-chloride, the analysis of resultants of reaction by means of VETSH Interaction hydrochloride 2,3-pentamethylene-3,4-dihydroquinazoline with N-bromsuksinimidy in the ratio reagents 1:1 and 1:4 is studied. It is revealed that the bromination 2,3 pentamethylene-3,4-dihydroquinazoline of a hydrochloride proceeds on a benzene ring of Sat. The method of a qualitative and quantitative analysis of individual substances and mix of resultants of reaction by means of VETSH is developed. The structure of the synthesized connections by the UF-, IK methods - and 1H of a nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is studied.
Haydarov M. H., Turabdzhanov S. M., Musabekov A. T. Kinetics and the mechanism of synthesis of cyclohexane carboxylic acid on the palladic catalyst The kinetics and the mechanism of hydrogenation of benzene carboxylic acid in hexahydrobenzoic on bimetallic (Pd — Me) the put catalysts are studied. It is shown that the developed catalysts allow to reduce a consumption of precious metal twice.
Batyrs B.B., Pak V. V., Teng A.V., Ikramov A., Musulmonov N. H. Catalytic vapor-phase synthesis of vinyl acetate vinylation of an acetic acid Vapor-phase synthesis of vinyl acetate by vinylation of an acetic acid in the presence of catalysts on the basis of compounds of cadmium, Zincum and aluminum is studied. It is defined that kadmiytsinkalyuminiyevy (KTsA-1) and tsinkalyuminiyevy (TsA-1) are the most efficient catalysts of receiving vinyl acetate.
Gulyamova N. S., Akmalov G. Yu., Islamov A. H., Zaynutdinov U. N., Rakhmanberdiyev G. R. Production technology of a lagokhirzin and its sodium salt (lagoden) The production technology of new hemostatic medicine of a lagokhirzin and its sodium salt is submitted.
Saydakhmedov S. I. Paths of improvement of ecological properties of gasolines The main paths of improvement of ecological properties of gasolines are presented. Results of the conducted researches whenever possible uses of biobutanol as pollution-free additive to gasolines are given. The optimum composition of benzino-butanolny mix is shown.
Dzhangurazov B. Zh., Kozlov G. V., Turayev E. R., Dzhalilov A. T., Mikitayev A. K. Interrelation of diffusion and adhesion characteristics in the course of formation of structure of nanocomposites polymer / organic clay It is shown that for different nanocomposites polymer / organic clay a role of diffusion processes in formation of interphase areas can be various. Level of interphase adhesion is a critical factor as for intensity of diffusion when forming interphase areas, and for a condition of their ultimate structure.
Dzhangurazov B. Zh., Kozlov G. V., Mikitayev A. K. Fractal model of thermal resistance of nanocomposites polyimide/montmorillonite The offered fractal model rather precisely describes process of thermal degradation of nanocomposites polyimide / organic clay. The constitutive equation of model defines the factors influencing the specified process. High activation energy of thermal degradation determines the same level of thermal resistance of nanocomposites.
Sarymsakov A. A., Yuldashev Sh. A., Yunusov H. E., Rakhmanberdiyev G. R. Karboksimetil-tsellyuloz, prospect of production and possible fields of practical application The analysis of a condition of production of the water-soluble technical and cleared NAKMTs from various sources of raw materials, their physical and chemical, rheological behavior and a condition of production in Uzbekistan and the CIS countries is carried out. The production technology, conditions of receiving, property, the output and applications of KMTs for various purposes in the CIS countries is submitted.
Tozhiyev P., Murodov M. Research of properties of fibrous semi-finished products of NA-KMTs intended for receiving Physical and chemical properties of exemplars Na — KMTs received from various raw materials are studied and fitness of use of a wood pulp from a poplar of the Central Asian region for chemical processing in cellulose glicollic acid is shown. The new technology of receiving high-viscosity Na — KMTs on the basis of cellulose of wood of a poplar is developed and offered in production.
Abdutalipova N. M., Pulatov H. L., Tursunov T. T., Nazirova R. A., Mukhamedova M. A. Sulfonated polymeric ampholytes of polycondensation type Article is devoted to receiving amphoteric ion-exchange polymers by sulphonation of an anionite of the styrene received by polyfunctional condensation, furfurol and a polietilenpoliamin (PEPA). For the purpose of clarification of structure of the received ampholyte curves of potentiometric titration, and also IR spectrums are removed. Comparative data of physical and chemical properties of the received ampholyte with the ampholyte received on the basis of p-styrene sulfonic acid, furfurol and PEPA are provided.
Samigov N. A., Dzhalilov A. T. Carbamide composites with metalcomplex hardeners Hi-tech metamokompleksny catalysts (MKO) on the basis of a polialjkilenamin, salts of copper and haloids are developed for a low baking the modifikatsirovannykh of carbamide compositions. It is established that catalytic activity of metalcomplexes is shown thanks to formation of labile intermediate compounds between ions of Cl-, J-and Vr-with reactive groups of carbamide oligomer.
Bakhriddinova N. M., Abdurakhimov S.A., Isabayev I. B. Natural compositions for fattening of skin Efficient compositions for fattening of skin in which advantage local products of processing of fatty acids of cotton soap stock is used are offered.
Mamadaliyeva S. V., Abdurakhimov C A, Salimov Z. S. Upgrading of paraffin with use of a contact and percolation way of cleaning In article the contact and percolation way of purification of paraffin with use of efficient, local adsorbents is explained. Comparative physical and chemical indexes of paraffin at contact treatment are also given and at contact and percolation cleaning.
Karpushkin S. I., Barkhanadzhyan A.L. Influence of additives on the low-temperature properties of solar oil The possibility of improvement of the low-temperature properties of summer grades of solar oils by means of depressor additives in combination with the low-stiffening jet aircraft fuel is shown
Manyakhina O. V., Mukhamedgaliyev B. A., Nuruzova Z. K. Development of high-permeability ionites on the basis of quarternary the fosfoniyevykh of salts In article some questions of synthesis and a research of getter properties new high-permeability an ionitovna to a basis monomeric the chesvertichnykh of phosphoritic salts are considered.
Xasanova D.T., To'xtaboyev N.X., Asqarov LR. Pivo barqarorligiga achitqilar va biologik faol preparat ta'sirini qiyosiy o'rganish In article results of a research of influence of beer yeast on biochemical processes are given in beer, and also about influence of the biologically fissile medicine - n - a ferrotsenifenol.
Uazhanova R. U. Influence of the modes of a hydroheat treatment of seeds of an amaranth on an exit of flour and oil Data on development of technology of processing of proteinaceous and lipide fraction which on reduction ratio and structure is prepared for oil extraction are provided. The optimum modes of a hydroheat treatment to a grinding for gain in yield of oil and protein from seeds of an amarat of a grade "Iliyskaya" are developed.
Sayfutdinov D. R. Electronic and microscopic analysis of external structure of granules of nuclei of grain of wheat Results of the electronic and microscopic analysis of external structure of the granules received from nuclei of grain of local grades of wheat and rice pod are given.