Подпись: 3/2010



Sharapov A. T., Atakuziyev T. A., Makhmudova V. Sh.

Processing of a phosphite on sulfuric acid and the fissile belite cement

The possibility of receiving sulfuric acid and the fissile belite cement from a phosphite — a large-tonnage sulfur-containing withdrawal by method of a high-temperature doping by salts of alkali metals by achievement of a perekristallizaiiya β-C2S the fissile αL and αm forms which have high durability in early concreting terms is shown.


Hojamberdiev М., Stevens H.J.

Effect of heating conditions on the static axial crushing performance of the foams obtained from sheet glass cullet

In this work static axial subdivision of honeycomb materials is executed from fight of a plate glass and dependence of subdivision on heating conditions (heating temperature, heat rate and coolings) is studied. Results of the X-ray phase analysis and the scanning submicroscopy confirmed existence of a glass phase in combination with crystal phases of a devitrit, wollastonite, cristobalite and quartz. Results of an experiment showed that mechanical strength of honeycomb glasses in relation to compression in many respects depends on heating conditions, i.e. increases with body height of temperature and decreases with increase in cooling rate and heating.


Karakulov A.X., Rakhimov P.A., Atakuziyev T.A.

A silicate brick with the improved structural technical properties on the basis of barkhan sands

Results of studying of properties of the waste forming sands (WFS) and their influence on properties of the silicate brick received on the basis of barkhan sands are given. It is established that introduction of OFP increases coupling of a silicate brick by 3-4 times on barkhan sand with masonry solution that is explained by presence of residual hydraulic activity at autoclave material.


Rambergenov A. K., Reymov K. D., Erkayev A. U., Toirov Z. K., Sharipova H. T.

Utilization of distillerny liquid - a withdrawal of production of soda ash

In the course of studying of processing of distillerny liquid of soda production mirability it is established that at norm of Na2S04 100-105%; to temperature of 40-50 °C and duration of process of 60 min. the residual maintenance of CaO in distillerny liquid fluctuates within 0,4-0,02%. The flow diagram of utilization of distillerny liquid is offered.


Ovsepyan O. A. Technology of receiving molybdenum disulfide of high purity

Process of cleaning of a molibdenitovy concentrate of the accompanying impurity by a pretreatment by metasilicate of sodium and a lixiviation by inorganic acids is investigated. It is revealed that the cleared product contains more than 99,8% of molybdenite.




Hakimova Z. M., Mukarramov N. I., Shakhidoyatov H. M.

Oxidation of 2,3-pentamethylene-3,4-dihydroquinazoline of a hydrochloride

Oxidation of a hydrochloride 6-N (Bromum)-2, 3-pentametilen-3, 4 dihydroquinazolines of 4% by KMn04 solution and 10% of Н2О is studied. The direction of reaction is revealed.

The structure of the synthesized connections by methods of chromanti-terrorist operation mass spectrometry and UF-, and 1H of a nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is investigated.


Rakhmonova D. S., Kadyrov Z. Ch., Parpiyev N. A., Talipov S.A., Sharipov H. T.  Synthesis and kristal-lichesky structure of a complex of chloride of a cobalt (II) with 3-(benzimidazole - 2 - an ooze) - propyl alcohol-1

The complex of chloride of a cobalt (II) with 3-is synthesized (benzimidazole - 2 - an ooze) — by propyl alcohol-1 [Co (PBI) 2Cl2] it is studied to methods of a X-ray diffraction analysis (RSA). Crystalline structure .geometrichesky parameters, intermolecular interactions in a complex crystal are studied.


Karimova G.SH., Kadirova Sh. A., Parpiyev N. A., Mukhamedov N. S., Shakhidoyatov H. M.

Synthesis and spectroscopical research of complexes of some Zd-metallov with quinazoline-2,4-dithis

The ligand quinazoline-2,4-dion and its complex compounds of chlorides, nitrates and acetates Co (II), Ni (II), Se (П) and Zn(II) is synthesized. The structure and a structure of the synthesized connections are studied by methods element to analyses and calculation of reactivity of the donor centers in a heterocyclic ligand is carried out by the semiempirical quantum and chemical MNDO method.


Hakdarov M. H., Turabdzhanov S. T., Kedelbayev B. Sh, Haldarov N. K.

Influence of various parameters on a benzene carboxylic acid hydrogenation kinetics

Reaction of formation of cyclohexane carboxylic acid to Pd — Me catalysts is investigated. Optimum conditions of conducting process, the nature and the number of modifiers are defined.


Yusupova L.A., Nurmonov S.E., Sirliboev T.S.

Butin-2-diol-l, 4 ni vinillashning ayrim texnologik parametrlari

Vinylation a butyn-2-diol-1,4 in the presence of high-basic system is studied. Some technological parameters of process such as are revealed: the catalyst nature, reaction duration, temperature are also found optimum conditions of its carrying out. In work TSH, IK - and PMR-a spectroscopy are used, the scheme of course of reaction is provided.


Saydakhmedov S. I. Development of composition additive for increase in octane value of automobile gasolines

Results of researches on development of composition oktanopovyshayushchy additive to automobile gasolines are presented in article. The composition of composition N-metilaiiluna additive with ethanol is developed.




Dzhangurazov B. Zh., Kozlov G. V., Turayev E. R., Sultonov N. Sh., Mikitayev A. K.

Assessment of level of interphase adhesion in nanocomposites polymer / organic clay

It is shown that the level of interphase adhesion in nanocomposites polymer / organic clay is defined by a number of factors from which the most strong is the maintenance of an organic clay . This effect is caused by aggregation of plates of an organic clay.


Muydinova S. R., Muydinov M. R., Namozov A. A.

Development of methods of synthesis of the composites modified by a nanodimensional layer of fluoropolymer

New methods of synthesis are developed and on their basis new composition perftorpolimersoderzhashchy materials, such as the sorbents, haemo sorbents, ion exchangers, carriers of catalysts, excipients, etc. having a complex of valuable properties and unique principal specifications are for the first time created.


Nurmetov T. Sh., Dzhalilov A. T. Synthesis and research new oligomernykh of fire retardants

Results of researches the oligomernykh of fire retardants, fireproof properties of the covered and impregnation compounds of wood are given by method of a ceramic pipe. Results of a research of properties of a fire hazard of polyacrylonitrile and its modified option are described.


Ziyamukhamedova U. A. Features of structural adaptability composition materia-fishing at interaction with cotton and technology of their receiving

In work new technological ways of preservation of quality of cotton fiber are for the first time shown by bilateral influence: drawing on the surface of cotton fiber of the improving polymeric compositions on the one hand, and blocking of sharp tops of roughnesses of metal surfaces of actions of technological machines a covering from epoxy compositions the otverzhdyonnykh by an activation and heliotechnological method on the other hand.


Pulatova L.T. Studying of pharmacological features of antibacterial medicines with complexes of polymers

Questions of development of new dosage forms of the antibacterial medicines on a polymeric basis having ability in particular conditions to a sluggish release of active ingredient from a polymeric matrix that will allow to gain the long-lived therapeutic effect are studied.


Karpushkin S. I., Dzhalilov A. T., Barkhanadzhyan A. L., Hakimov P.M.

Influence of flood of solar oil on its low-temperature properties

Influence of water content on the low-temperature properties of basic solar oil, solar oil with depressor additives, and also mixes low - the stiffening jet aircraft fuel and solar oil with depressants is shown.




Sharipov D. A., Sultanov A. S., Abdurakhimov S.A.

Optimization of purification of natural gas of sour components

The results of calculations directed to optimization of system of purification of the natural gas of sour components, on the example of processing of high-sulfur dioxide entering on UDP "Mubareksky TPZ" are given.




Yarasheva M. T., Akhmedova Z. R. Enzymatic activity of baker's yeast

The possibility of replacement of beet molasses in dynamics of cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae pressed yeasts (12 - 72 hours) on a medium is shown by various concentration of extract of tubers of a girasol in which a source of carbohydrates is the inulin. From five examinees of strains on the Wednesday with girasol extract, as well as on the control environment with molasses the most fissile body height and high enzymatic activity Saccharomyces cerevisiae the strain-2 possessed.


Akhmedov A. N., Abdurakhimov S.A., Suvanova F. U.

Features of oil refining, received from low-grade seeds of a cotton

Distinctions as a part of the oils received from low-grade and nonstandard seeds of a cotton, and also feature of process of their purification are shown.


Xasanova D.T., To'xtaboyev N.X., Asqarov I.R. Maxsus pivo mahsulotlari ishlab chiqarish

Questions of production of express beer production are considered. Fate beer made by CJSC Fargonapivo with gland medicine additive is recommended productions of beer production on the basis of a grade.


Qodirov Y.Q., Ro'ziboyev A.T. Palma va paxta moylari aralashmasini gidrogenlash

The possibility of receiving the salomas corresponding on indexes to one salomas from animal fats which is used in production surfactant is shown. Influence of number of the catalyst on process of hydrogenation of palm oil and its mix with cotton oil both with input of detoksikant and without them is studied. It is established, the optimum number of the catalyst, a detoksikant, and also an optimum ratio of detoksikant in their mix.


Sayfutdinov D.R., Abdurakhimov S.A., Makhmudov P.A.

Influence of quantity of the inverse goods and rice pod on quality of the press oil received from wheat nuclei

The optimum quantity of the inverse goods and rice pod in alburnum when pressing oil from wheat nuclei is established.